AD: Account created but some attributes are not updated properly

I’m getting this error while creating AD account :
Account created but some attributes are not updated properly.
Account created but failed to modify : Failed to update attributes for identity CN=testlaphilippe,OU=AD_Manager,OU=IAM-Recette,DC=GROUP,DC=LOCAL. The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist."
When I check the identity’s activities I see that CN is not faililng but other attributes are, I have checked the r/w rights and the service account im using does have all the permessions. I have also checked the attributes of my provisionning policy and compared them to what I have in the AD, everything seems to be there…
Any ideas why this might be happening ? Thanks

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I’d suggest checking the Account Schema to ensure all these attributes are defined there and the spelling is EXACT (i.e. no additional leading/trailing characters).

extensionAttribute5 could also be a likely cause. This attribute gets created in AD as part of the Exchange enablement process so if it’s a “vanilla” AD environment this attribute likely doesn’t exist and would need to be manually added to the AD Schema before IDN can see it.

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Please verify the names of attributes in your AD, I believe it might be extensionAttribute5 and not extendedAttribute5 unless it’s a predefined custom attribute in AD.


yes it was indeed extensionAttribute5, Thanks @sharvari


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