I’m getting this error while creating AD account :
Account created but some attributes are not updated properly.
Account created but failed to modify : Failed to update attributes for identity CN=testlaphilippe,OU=AD_Manager,OU=IAM-Recette,DC=GROUP,DC=LOCAL. The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist."
When I check the identity’s activities I see that CN is not faililng but other attributes are, I have checked the r/w rights and the service account im using does have all the permessions. I have also checked the attributes of my provisionning policy and compared them to what I have in the AD, everything seems to be there…
Any ideas why this might be happening ? Thanks
I’d suggest checking the Account Schema to ensure all these attributes are defined there and the spelling is EXACT (i.e. no additional leading/trailing characters).
extensionAttribute5 could also be a likely cause. This attribute gets created in AD as part of the Exchange enablement process so if it’s a “vanilla” AD environment this attribute likely doesn’t exist and would need to be manually added to the AD Schema before IDN can see it.
Please verify the names of attributes in your AD, I believe it might be extensionAttribute5 and not extendedAttribute5 unless it’s a predefined custom attribute in AD.
yes it was indeed extensionAttribute5, Thanks @sharvari
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