Error Creating Account in AD

There is a process here in the environment where the intern became an employee.
And his employee identity gave an error when creating an account in AD, after manual action the creation occurred normally.

I would like to know what type of error this could be?


@kaiolima did you created AD account manually directly in AD or from sailpoint?

You are getting this error because you have enabled rollback account creation in your AD source configuration where you attach native rules.

Basically you will get this error when there something wrong with the native rule like before create or after create.

You can check the IQservice log or native rule logs.

Hope this will help.

Shekhar Das

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How could I check the native rules logs?

The creation was carried out in AD

Yes from sailpoint you won’t be able to create it until you remove the rollback flag from the AD configuration. You will also observe that if you uncheck the rollback flag it will create the AD account partially.

Can you confirm if you have any rules attached? Native rules are powershell scripts deployed on your tenant you can see code and check the log path.

Usually you will see the logs in IQService host.

Shekhar Das

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There is a rule for this case, I’m checking here, because this only happened for this identity.

Check if all the account attributes included in the Create Account Profile are available in Active Directory

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@kaiolima Please navigate to edit config β†’ Addition Settings β†’ Provisioning Settings to find out the rules attached.

Check IQservice logs for the reason why the account is getting created partially, which attributes are failed to update.

Check provisioning plan if all the values that are being passed are correct and in expected format.

Shekhar Das


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