We are using a web service connector and one of the http operation is Create Account. However, when I am trying to create an account using Access Request, I am getting this error:
Request completed
Exception occurred while performing 'Create' operation on identity 'null': Url: https://xxxxx/users, Message: 400 : Bad Request, HTTP Error Code: 400
I dont know what seems to be missing in my configuration to prevent the error. Could you please help look at my existing configuration and provide feedback? Thank you so much!
Error 400 usually means that your request is formatted wrong, or it is missing required information. Check the API documentation for your Source to see what the required fields need to be in your Create Account payload.
This kind of looks like you are trying to create a user in Tableau. If that is the case, you might want to see what authentication method is setup. When Active Directory is used for authentication in Tableau, the name field needs to match the sAMAccountName of the user in your Active Directory domain.
@jasmedina please make sure your response mapping is correct in create HTTP operation, you need to map the unique id to correlate the newly created account.
I would recommend you go through below post, this issue was resolved here:
Based from this thread, I tried to hard code the values in the body and the access request went through. However, when I tried the $plan.attributeName$, I am getting the same error.
Hi @gourab! Can you elaborate more on step 2? Where should I put the curl command in ISC? I tried to hard code the body in the Create Account HTTP and the access request went through but when I used the $plan.attributeName, I am getting the same error.
Hi @shekhardas1825! The attribute siteRole is a required attribute in the API call. I tagged it as an entitlement in the schema since there is no direct API call to pull in the siteRole for this application.
Hi @jasmedina
Could you please confirm if the request body is right?As you mentioned Tableau, I just found this page where a sample request body if given and it’s not a json
Once Check the create operation through Postman, Check whether account is created or not in target application.
After that write before operation rule.fetch what attribute are passing to create account ,Make it a jsonbody and set to requestEndPoint.
Hi @vijayasaikoppineni! I was able to create the account successfully via postman. But when I tried it in sailpoint, the log is saying that the jsonbody is void.