Entitlements are Missing from Certification

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.2

Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.


I have 2 records in a file that will aggregate into an application definition
User 1 is a human, has an entitlement and is assigned to his proper HR-driven Identity Cube
User 2 is a service account, has an entitlement and does not have a proper HR-driven Identity Cube
After aggregation of groups and users the application accounts present users with entitlements as expected
The certification definition pulls all users from the application, however, only the human user is presenting with the entitlement

Any idea why the service account does not present the entitlement?

Thank you!

can you confirm if you have ran the refresh task for service account with below options ?

Hi @StevenLeesSNV,

beyond of @vishal_kejriwal1 says, mark the promote managed attribute flags, maybe user2 has an group that you dont read in group aggregation, for some reason.

Remember an orphan account is similar an identity but it’s not

what type of certification you are executing?

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