Hi All,
Is anyone facing issues with newly entitlements not showing up in entitlement catalog or search for new applications.
Waited for 24 hours as well and opened a ticket with support.
Hi All,
Is anyone facing issues with newly entitlements not showing up in entitlement catalog or search for new applications.
Waited for 24 hours as well and opened a ticket with support.
What have you configured already?
Are you pulling entitlements from the Entitlement Aggregation, Account Aggregation, or Both?
Is this in your Ambassador tenant, Sandbox, or PROD?
Can you see the entitlements on the Source UI Entitlements page, but not in the Entitlement Catalog or Search as described in the linked topic?
How many entitlements did your entitlement aggregation bring into the system?
It is beneficial to describe what you have tried/configured so far, even if it is the same as the existing ticket, so that people can respond to your specific situation.
Hi Geoff,
We have onboarded the application yesterday in production.
Performed accounts and Entitlement aggregation.
Entitlements are visible in Identities , Source UI entitlement page but not in Entitlement catalog and search. Its more than 400 entitlements.
Tried unoptimized aggregation, source reset - reload, Updating the entitlement descriptions, etc.
Thanks for providing those additional details.
I believe doing the Source/Entitlement Reset is going to restart the 24hr clock on those, since that basically removes the existing entitlements and pulls them all in brand new.
At this point, since it has likely been 24hrs, and you mentioned you opened a Support Ticket already, I am not sure we can offer much help. Please keep us updated with what Support recommends.
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