Enhancement: MySailPoint Released to General Availability!

UPDATE 3: 11/8/23

Good Morning! We started rolling MySailPoint to all end-users in sandbox this week, and it will be rolling into production on Monday, Nov. 13 - Thursday Nov. 16.

Also, we have decided to keep the tab as “Home” rather than “MySailPoint” for end-users since there are many customers who use custom branding to abstract SailPoint from their tenants, and we want to limit confusion for end-users. Thank you!

UPDATE 2: 10/30/23

We were able to address part of the dependent issue that will allow us to release this to all admins, but there is one more piece to address before we can enable for all end-users. In light of this fix, we plan to release MySailPoint for admins only as follows:

Release to Sandbox: Mon, Oct. 30

Rolling release to production: Mon, Nov. 6 - Thurs, Nov. 9

We will make another update with another rollout schedule for when this will be available to all end-users.


I’m incredibly excited to announce that MySailPoint is releasing soon!

MySailPoint is a configurable, persona-based homepage experience designed to simplify the complexity of identity security. It provides a meaningful data story to users around what’s happening in their security program to help guide priorities and accelerate day-to-day actions.

MySailPoint replaces the legacy homepage experience and brings the previous homepage cards and functionality over as Action Tiles and adds new capabilities and interactions that allow you to personalize your experience.

Available for all end-users at Launch:

  • New UI for Action Tiles
  • Drag/drop reordering of widgets and Action Tiles
  • Click on tiles to deep-link to further details
  • Hide any tiles/widgets that are not applicable

MySailPoint also introduces our new vision for an admin command center. Gone are the days when you need to search to get a pulse on what’s going on in your identity security program. Instead, we will proactively surface insights about what is happening in your system right now that you need to be aware of and take action on.

New admin-only widgets include:

Lifecycle management - A snapshot of lifecycle events which have occurred in a period of time
Certification campaigns - View the status of active certification campaigns that are due soon, including due date and percentage complete
Lifecycle management by source - A breakdown of errors and changes in lifecycle state by source
Sources with errors and warnings - Quickly see any errors or alerts that are happening, sorted by source

But we’re just getting started and have so much more planned, including adding widgets from across our entire portfolio! Sign up to chat with a member of the SailPoint crew anytime, and let us know what you think and what else you’d like to see.

MySailPoint release schedule:

  • Release to Sandbox: Tues, Oct 24
  • Release to Production Batch 1: Mon, Oct 30
  • Release to Production Batch 2: Wed, Nov 1
  • Release to Production Batch 3: Thu, Nov 2

Hi @Tyler_Harman this is exciting!

Is this only available to customers only with a certain license? I am unable to see this in our sandbox tenant yet as per the sandbox release date is Oct 24th.

Hey Shail, great question, and welcome back to the developer community—it’s good to see you again! MySailPoint is currently colling out. Please see the release schedule from the original post:


Same here, nothing in sandbox environment even if it was planned yesterday.
Is there any activation step to be done on our side ?

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Hey Alexandre,

It is currently still rolling out as we speak. Give it another day or two and if you still don’t see it enabled, let me know and we’ll get it figured out.

Thanks for the quick answer :wink: i’ll let you know !

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Absolutely! I’ll set a reminder to check in with you here, on Monday, just in case.

UPDATE: Due to an issue with a dependency for MySailPoint, we will need to delay the rollout of this new feature. We’re looking into other solutions that will get us back on track and will have more information soon regarding timing of availability. Thank you for your patience and support!

@alexandre_mazars just following up as promised! As you can see above, rollout has been delayed.

@Tyler_Harman will have an update in this category when he has more, and we’ll share that update in this topic as well just to be safe.

UPDATE 2: 10/30/23

We were able to address part of the dependent issue that will allow us to release this to all admins, but there is one more piece to address before we can enable for all end-users. In light of this fix, we plan to release MySailPoint for admins only as follows:

Release to Sandbox: Mon, Oct. 30

Rolling release to production: Mon, Nov. 6 - Thurs, Nov. 9

We will make another update with another rollout schedule for when this will be available to all end-users.

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I personally don’t like the choice of the name “MySailPoint” here.

We have some tenants who use the supported branding and a vanity URL to ensure that the look and feel of IdentityNow matches that of other applications of the organization. As such, the words IdentityNow and SailPoint are not used for the end user. By naming this new functionality “MySailPoint” in the UI and in the URL path instead of simply naming it “Home” or “Dashboard”, this will cause confusion for the end user and I think it is in conflict with the current branding functionality that SailPoint offers. If anything, this name should be customizable using the branding as well.



It was great speaking with you last week. Thanks for raising this issue. In light of it, we have decided to rename the tab to “Home” rather than “MySailPoint” for all end-users, to eliminate confusion for those who abstract SailPoint from their tenants.


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UPDATE 3: 11/8/23

Good Morning! We started rolling MySailPoint to all end-users in sandbox this week, and it will be rolling into production on Monday, Nov. 13 - Thursday Nov. 16.

Also, we have decided to keep the tab as “Home” rather than “MySailPoint” for end-users since there are many customers who use custom branding to abstract SailPoint from their tenants, and we want to limit confusion for end-users. Thank you!

That is great news! Thank you for this @Tyler_Harman. Happy to be part of this community where our input is truly taken into consideration. Please note that I do like the name SailPoint! :wink:


@Tyler_Harman is there any plan to give administrators the ability to set a default dashboard layout for all users? The current default layout includes some things that aren’t relevant to users in our environment based on how we’re currently using IdentityNow.

Hi Mark

This is definitely on our roadmap, though I don’t have exact timelines right now. In the interim, each user can toggle off widgets that they don’t need, but the idea is to give administrators all of the tools they need to set which tiles can/should be seen by identity profile, role, etc.


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Hi @Tyler_Harman, is there a way to hide action tiles for end users?

We only want managers to see ‘My Team’ and ‘Pending Certifications’

Hi @jasonrossme

There’s no global way for admins to do that right now. Individuals can turn off the tiles they don’t want to see or use. We do have it in the plans, however, for admins to be able to globally configure which tiles/widgets should be seen by different groups, most likely by entitlements.


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Is there a license dependency or something else going on as I do not see this in my customers fedramp instance of ISC? Somebody asked if there was a dependency but I did not see a response? I see it in our partner instance but not our customer and we need the forms widget for some functionality and forms is licensed by the customer? any guidance would be appreciated?

It’s nice but would be great if we can filter the certification campaigns using name/id to see its progress as most of them have bulk automated certs other than quarterly targeted certs and quarterly certs will be hiding somewhere.

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