What problem are you observing?
The “ownerName” field here returns the ID/Name Value of the user, and not the Display Name as expected, or the global $user.name like the other two emails. The documentation does note that the Global user is NOT available to the template.
This is an issue for our Certification in Production as it sent the email to the user’s ID number rather than their name, as the documentation stated it would. The certifier received the following email (sanitized data):
Dear 543876,
The certification "Source Access Review" is still open and needs to be completed.
This certification must be finished by 06/30/2024 12:00 PM
Click here to complete the certification.
The template for reference:
Dear ${ownerName},
The certification "$certification.certificationGroups.get(0).name" is still open and needs to be completed.
#if ($certification.expiration) This certification must be finished by $spTools.formatDate($certification.expiration,3,0).#{end}
Click here to complete the certification.
All other certification email templates use “$user.name” for this value.
Here is the Certification Template for example:
Dear ${user.name},
The ${certification.certificationGroups.get(0).name} certification campaign has been started by your system administrator. This campaign allows each reviewer in the campaign to verify that users have the correct entitlements.
For each user in your certification, you will see entitlements they have. You might also see sources the entitlements come from or applications they can access because of those entitlements.
You have until $spTools.formatDate($certification.expiration,3,0) to review and either approve, change, or revoke access for each user.
Click here to review the certification.
And here is the Reassign Certification Template
Dear ${user.name},
${requesterName} has assigned ${numNewIdentities} #if(${numNewIdentities} == 1) user #{else} users #end to you for review in a certification.
Reason for reassignment: ${description}
You have until $spTools.formatDate($certification.expiration,3,0) to review and either approve, change, or revoke access for these users.
Click here to review the certification.
The {productName} Team
The default templates should all be consistent.
What is the correct behavior?
The Email Template should show the Display Name where the $ownerName is at the start of the message.
What product feature is this related to?
Email Templates in ISC
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
Create a Certification with an expiration of 2 weeks.
Wait 7 days for this email to be sent by the system (This really needs a manual send with REAL data, not the one available from the email Template since it does not populate data)
View the email.
Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?
This has been brought up before by others without resolution: