Email Template issue

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*All of the variables are working except the RequesterDisplayName.

Is variable is input to the email template or this is calculated using some rule / login in template itself ?
check were this variable is declared ?

Hi @dikshya53,

Is it possible for you to share the template and let us know from where you are triggering this mail.


HI @dikshya53 ,

When using this email template in a workflow, ensure that the “requesterDisplayName” argument is included in the workflow step. This value can be obtained from the “requester”.

Add the below argument to workflow step and check the email.

 <Arg name="requesterDisplayName">
            import sailpoint.object.Identity;

            Identity id=context.getObjectByName(Identity.class,requester);
            if (id != null){
            return id.getDisplayName();

Thank you everyone. $launcher worked for me.

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