Helpneeded in QuickLink Form

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.1

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Hello Community,
Being an Intermediate Developer, SailPoint Community has helped a lot. Still in a learning curve. Thank you everyone.
Today’s Issue:
I added a QuickLink to create an Email Address in SailPoint. The workflow looks like this : Populate Variables - Show Form - Provision Email -Email confirm
What I am trying to do is " if identity is terminated" it should return “User Terminated” otherwise go to"Show Form".
I am having a mental block and don’t even know how to start to check for this.
This is the draft of my workflow:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Workflow PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
 <Step name="Populate Variables" posX="147" posY="127">
     <Source>import sailpoint.object.Identity;
       import sailpoint.object.TaskResult;
       import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
   import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

       if (quickLinkIdentityId != null) 
           Identity user = context.getObjectById(Identity.class, quickLinkIdentityId);

           logger.debug("Attributes are: "+user.getAttributes());
           logger.debug("Identity Name is: "+user.getName());
           if (user != null)
               logger.debug("identity is: "+ user.getId());
               workflow.put("identityName", user.getName());
               workflow.put("fullName", user.getDisplayName());
               workflow.put("empNumber", user.getAttribute("empNumber"));
               workflow.put("empType", user.getAttribute("type"));
               workflow.put("createMailbox", user.getAttribute("createMailbox"));
               workflow.put("iiqStatus", user.getAttribute("iiqStatus"));
               workflow.put("orgStatus", user.getAttribute("orgStatus"));
              if( user.getManager() != null)
                      workflow.put("managerName", user.getManager().getDisplayName());
                      workflow.put("managerName",  "");

               if( user.getManager() != null &amp;&amp; user.getManager().getEmail() != null )
                      workflow.put("managerEmail", user.getManager().getEmail());
                      workflow.put("managerEmail",  "");

               logger.debug("Workflow variables are: "+workflow.getVariables());
               logger.debug("All variables populated....................");
   <Transition to="Show Form"/>
 <Step name="Show Form" posX="258" posY="127">
   <Approval name="Create Mailbox" owner="ref:requester" return="identityName, message, fullName, empNumber, empType,createMailbox,managerName,managerEmail,iiqStatus,orgStatus" send="identityName, message, fullName, empNumber, empType,createMailbox,managerName,managerEmail,iiqStatus,orgStatus ">
     <Form name="Create Mailbox">
           <entry key="hideIncompleteFields">
           <entry key="includeHiddenFields">
           <entry key="pageTitle" value="Create Mailbox"/>
       <Section label="Confirm" type="text">
         <Field value="Verify the detail and click Create Mailbox button"/>
       <Section columns="3" label="Info" type="datatable">
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Full name" name="fullName" type="string">
             <Source>return fullName;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Employee Number" name="empNumber" type="string">
             <Source> return empNumber;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Employee Type" name="empType" type="string">
             <Source>return empType;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="IIQ Status" name="iiqStatus" type="string">
             <Source>return iiqStatus;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Org Status" name="orgStatus" type="string">
             <Source>return orgStatus;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="3" displayName="Create Mailbox" name="createMailbox" type="string">
             <Source>return createMailbox;</Source>
       <Section columns="2" label="Manager Info" type="datatable">
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Manager&apos;s Name" name="managerName" type="string">
             <Source>return managerName;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Manager&apos;s Email" name="managerEmail" type="string">
             <Source>return managerEmail;</Source>
       <Section label="Comments">
         <Field displayName="Comments" name="comments" type="string"/>
       <Button action="cancel" label="Cancel"/>
       <Button action="next" label="Create Mailbox"/>
   <Transition to="Provision Email - Create"/>
 <Step icon="Task" name="Provision Email - Create" posX="374" posY="126" resultVariable="errorStr">
       Email Provisioning Code comes here
   <Transition to="Email confirm"/>
 <Step icon="Default" name="Email confirm" posX="494" posY="127">
   <Approval name="Email Success Form" owner="ref:requester" return="confirmMsg,errorStr" send="confirmMsg,errorStr">
     <Form name="Email Success Form">
           <entry key="pageTitle" value="Email Success Form"/>
       <Section name="Section 1">
         <Field displayName="Message" name="Message" type="string">
       <Button action="next" label="OK"/>
   <Transition to="Stop"/>
 <Step icon="Stop" name="Stop" posX="614" posY="130"/>


You can have a transition script to another step where you show a message user is terminated if the user is terminated otherwise it goes to Show Form step

1 Like

Use the below

<Transition to="Request Submittion Failed">
          Boolean result = false;
           if (quickLinkIdentityId != null) 
           Identity user = context.getObjectById(Identity.class, quickLinkIdentityId);
		   if(user!=null &amp;&amp; user.isInactive())
          return result;
   <Transition to="Show Form"/>

Similarly Add the below additional step

  <Step name="Request Submittion Failed">
    <Approval name="Request Submission Failed as the user is not a Active User" owner="ref:requester">
      <Form name="Request Submission Failed as the user is not a Active User">
            <entry key="pageTitle" value="Failed"/>
        <Section label="The request Submission Failed as the user is Terminated" name="message1" type="text">
                return " ";              
        <Button action="next" label="Return to Homepage"/>
    <Transition to="Stop"/>
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Hello @iamksatish I really appreciate your help on this one. The additional step you mentioned should go after .
Like this

<Transition to="Request Submittion Failed">
          Boolean result = false;
           if (quickLinkIdentityId != null) 
           Identity user = context.getObjectById(Identity.class, quickLinkIdentityId);
		   if(user!=null &amp;&amp; user.isInactive())
          return result;
   <Transition to="Show Form"/>
   <Step name="Request Submittion Failed">
    <Approval name="Request Submission Failed as the user is not a Active User" owner="ref:requester">
      <Form name="Request Submission Failed as the user is not a Active User">
            <entry key="pageTitle" value="Failed"/>
        <Section label="The request Submission Failed as the user is Terminated" name="message1" type="text">
                return " ";              
        <Button action="next" label="Return to Homepage"/>
    <Transition to="Stop"/>

Looks like you Clubbed things together, for your clarity I have provided the complete modified code provided by you

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Workflow PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
 <Step name="Populate Variables" posX="147" posY="127">
     <Source>import sailpoint.object.Identity;
       import sailpoint.object.TaskResult;
       import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
   import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

       if (quickLinkIdentityId != null) 
           Identity user = context.getObjectById(Identity.class, quickLinkIdentityId);

           logger.debug("Attributes are: "+user.getAttributes());
           logger.debug("Identity Name is: "+user.getName());
           if (user != null)
               logger.debug("identity is: "+ user.getId());
               workflow.put("identityName", user.getName());
               workflow.put("fullName", user.getDisplayName());
               workflow.put("empNumber", user.getAttribute("empNumber"));
               workflow.put("empType", user.getAttribute("type"));
               workflow.put("createMailbox", user.getAttribute("createMailbox"));
               workflow.put("iiqStatus", user.getAttribute("iiqStatus"));
               workflow.put("orgStatus", user.getAttribute("orgStatus"));
              if( user.getManager() != null)
                      workflow.put("managerName", user.getManager().getDisplayName());
                      workflow.put("managerName",  "");

               if( user.getManager() != null &amp;&amp; user.getManager().getEmail() != null )
                      workflow.put("managerEmail", user.getManager().getEmail());
                      workflow.put("managerEmail",  "");

               logger.debug("Workflow variables are: "+workflow.getVariables());
               logger.debug("All variables populated....................");
  <Transition to="Request Submittion Failed">
          Boolean result = false;
           if (quickLinkIdentityId != null) 
           Identity user = context.getObjectById(Identity.class, quickLinkIdentityId);
		   if(user!=null &amp;&amp; user.isInactive())
          return result;
   <Transition to="Show Form"/>
 <Step name="Show Form" posX="258" posY="127">
   <Approval name="Create Mailbox" owner="ref:requester" return="identityName, message, fullName, empNumber, empType,createMailbox,managerName,managerEmail,iiqStatus,orgStatus" send="identityName, message, fullName, empNumber, empType,createMailbox,managerName,managerEmail,iiqStatus,orgStatus ">
     <Form name="Create Mailbox">
           <entry key="hideIncompleteFields">
           <entry key="includeHiddenFields">
           <entry key="pageTitle" value="Create Mailbox"/>
       <Section label="Confirm" type="text">
         <Field value="Verify the detail and click Create Mailbox button"/>
       <Section columns="3" label="Info" type="datatable">
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Full name" name="fullName" type="string">
             <Source>return fullName;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Employee Number" name="empNumber" type="string">
             <Source> return empNumber;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Employee Type" name="empType" type="string">
             <Source>return empType;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="IIQ Status" name="iiqStatus" type="string">
             <Source>return iiqStatus;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Org Status" name="orgStatus" type="string">
             <Source>return orgStatus;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="3" displayName="Create Mailbox" name="createMailbox" type="string">
             <Source>return createMailbox;</Source>
       <Section columns="2" label="Manager Info" type="datatable">
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Manager&apos;s Name" name="managerName" type="string">
             <Source>return managerName;</Source>
         <Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Manager&apos;s Email" name="managerEmail" type="string">
             <Source>return managerEmail;</Source>
       <Section label="Comments">
         <Field displayName="Comments" name="comments" type="string"/>
       <Button action="cancel" label="Cancel"/>
       <Button action="next" label="Create Mailbox"/>
   <Transition to="Provision Email - Create"/>
 <Step icon="Task" name="Provision Email - Create" posX="374" posY="126" resultVariable="errorStr">
       Email Provisioning Code comes here
   <Transition to="Email confirm"/>
 <Step icon="Default" name="Email confirm" posX="494" posY="127">
   <Approval name="Email Success Form" owner="ref:requester" return="confirmMsg,errorStr" send="confirmMsg,errorStr">
     <Form name="Email Success Form">
           <entry key="pageTitle" value="Email Success Form"/>
       <Section name="Section 1">
         <Field displayName="Message" name="Message" type="string">
       <Button action="next" label="OK"/>
   <Transition to="Stop"/>
  <Step name="Request Submittion Failed">
    <Approval name="Request Submission Failed as the user is not a Active User" owner="ref:requester">
      <Form name="Request Submission Failed as the user is not a Active User">
            <entry key="pageTitle" value="Failed"/>
        <Section label="The request Submission Failed as the user is Terminated" name="message1" type="text">
                return " ";              
        <Button action="next" label="Return to Homepage"/>
    <Transition to="Stop"/>
 <Step icon="Stop" name="Stop" posX="614" posY="130"/>
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Thank you @iamksatish . You are a genius and an angel for me.

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