Hi @sbabu2024,
Organization of Reports
IdentityIQ is delivered with many predefined reports. These reports can be run as-is; they may also be configured with unique settings as needed.
Within the Reports tab, the preconfigured individual reports are organized into multiple categories, grouped under expandable titles. This categorization is achieved by value of the subType attribute in the report definition. In most cases, all reports in a single category shares the same required right needed to access the report. Only users with this right will be able to view the report, to run the report, and to use it as a template to create a new report.

At the Intersection of RequiredRights and Capabilities
In this example, we are using the User Details Report, which is organized into the Identity and User Reports category.

From the original User Details Report template, note the RequiredRights tag which includes the name of the right required to access this report, FullAccessUserReport.
… name=“User Details Report” subType=“Identity and User Reports” template=“true”
Matching this right with the excerpt from the Capabilities Matrix, we can learn which capabilities include the specific right needed to view and further work with this report. Find the right in the matrix and connect its row with the column of the capability of interest. If the matrix has a check mark at this intersection, then access to the report is granted. We see that the Identity Administrator capability includes the FullAccessUserReport right. (We could also see this by looking at the Capability objects in the IdentityIQ debug page and finding one which includes that SPRight.)

We have given Alice Ford the Identity Administrator capability. (Note that the User Capabilities list is a multi-selectable list - just control-click to select and deselect capabilities in this list.)

When logged in as Alice Ford we can therefore see reports results produced by other users or scheduled reports. In fact, Alice can configure and run the report herself and view the results from executing this report, whether run by Alice or by any other users.

Contrast our example of the User Details Report with the User Activity Report, shown below, which is organized into the Activity Reports category. The User Activity Report has a different RequiredRights named, FullAccessApplicationActivityReport. With the Identity Administrator capability, Alice will also be able to use this report, as will Amanda Ross with the Application Administrator capability. However, Ryan Russell, with Certification Administrator, and users with many other capabilities will not be able to use this report.

… name=“User Activity Report” progressMode=“Percentage” resultAction=“Rename” subType=“Activity Reports”