Easy way to duplicate access profile / role

Hey everyone,
Are you aware of any “easy” way to duplicate a role or an access profile? I use to do a “Get” operation, copy the json response, arrange it so it can fit in the “Update” operation.

Please try the ISC bulk upload utility if number of roles/AP to be duplicated is more.

Check this post also:

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You might be able to use Configuration hub to do this


@Anshu_Kunal , @iamnithesh , thank you for your feedback.
I forgot to mention that it will be in the same tenant. So, for example, I have a “Role1” role, and I need to duplicate it to have a “Role1_Duplicate” role.
From what I understood, the configuration hub is more helpful for backup/restore operations, which allows copying objects from one environment to another, which isn’t what I’d like to do.
For the bulk importer, same thing, I don’t see a “copy” or “duplicate” function, but I’ll give it a try certainly.
I’ll keep you posted.

I’ve finally used the VS Code extension and I should say it was super easy.

I created a new role, give it a name and other properties, then copied the json properties from the original role to the new one, and it worked.

You can find the extension here.