Does an application provisioning policy have access to the identity of the requester?

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Version 8.3

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When someone (the requester) is requesting access for someone else (the requestee), does the application provisioning policy have access to the requester’s identity? I would like to have a hidden field be made visible based on the requester’s department. Is that possible?

Hi @adam_carter,

The requester is not available in the provisioning policy, however you can easily get the requester from the provisioning plan in the before provisioning rule.

List<Identity> requesters = plan.getRequesters();

– Remold

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Thank you for the reply. Getting the requester in the before provisioning rule doesn’t help me though. Guess I will have to come up with some other solution.

You can also take a look at the ‘LCM Provisioning’ or ‘Identity Request Provisioning’ workflows, where you can inject the hidden field in the provisioning plan.

While reading your question again, some extra question: Are you referring to injecting an hidden field via the provisioning policy (to have it provisioned to the application), or do you want to make an hidden field visible during the initial access request (in the form) and show it to the requester?

– Remold

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I need to show it to the requester so that they can make a selection between 3 or 4 different values.

So you are looking to change the form and not the provisioning policy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I know this is possible, but not from the top of my head. I need some time to get the answer or someone else can help :slight_smile:

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the ProvisioningProject is available in the provisioning policy and you can try to get the requester using ProvisioningProject.

String requester = project.getRequester();

I am importing the ProvisioningProject in the script but I am getting this error when I use your example…

Attempt to resolve method: getRequester() on undefined variable or class name: project