DisplayName Transform Documentation Errors

The DisplayName transform operation claims that all that is needed is a type and name value in order to be used. However, when I attempt to create this transform, I get the following error

Error: no value given for required property attribute

Adding an attributes section to this it allows for the creation of the transform but does not actually process the Display Name Identity Attribute to use the Preferred Name Identity Attribute (when defined in the Identity Profile).

Is the documentation incorrect or missing any required information in order to have this process as intended?

Hi @asmith ,

Yes, this might be an error in DisplayName Transform documentation.

But this displayName transform is going to be an in-built transform. You can identify this transform by name - Use Preferred Name.

Also, if it is not found, you can use the transform, given below -

        "name": "Display Name Transform",
        "type": "displayName",
        "attributes": {
            "type": "static",
            "attributes": {
                "value": "null"



I would suggest you to not to use this yet.

Because, the documentation says you don’t need any input.

  "type": "displayName",
  "name": "Display Name Transform"

When I try to create Transform through an API, it is returning 400 bad request error as required attributes are missing.

When I generate Transform in VSCode using ISC extension, it is generating as below.

    "type": "displayName",
    "attributes": {
    "name": "Test Displayname Transform"

It is expecting input and not sure what it is and documentation doesn’t say anything about it. Perhaps SailPoint is still working on it.


What makes this particularly confusing is that there is no required, or even default, identity attribute for a preferred name, so how would this transform know which attribute to use as the preferred name? It doesn’t mention what the attribute would need to be called, if it’s supposed to automatically pull a specific identity attribute…

Perhaps thats it, If you look at the other three attributes mentioned in the document, they are all default Identity Attributes.

  • Given Name
  • Family Name
  • Display Name

Perhaps they intend to include Preferred Name as a default attribute in an upcoming update (or perhaps it already has and our tenants havent yet been updated).

The Web Page was only posted a week ago


Bumping this thread. The documentation for this transform is still incomplete. @Darrell, I see you were the last to work on the documentation for this, can you take a look?

Specifically, it’s unclear what attributes the transform is considering as the user's Preferred Name, Given Name, and Family Name. There is no default Identity Attribute for Preferred Name, so would we have to add an attribute with that name to the Identity Profile ourselves?

Hey @sup3rmark,

After some digging around we are going to re-write this transform doc.

It does not appear that this transform works like the others in that it is meant to be an internal only transform.

The displayName transform type will show up only on newer tenants where there have also been some changes to the default identity attributes provided as well as renames to existing identity attributes. For example:

There is a new OOTB transform called Use Preferred Name which uses the displayName type and behaves like so:

The Use Preferred Name transform forms an identity’s Display Name value using the Preferred Name (new identity attribute) value when it exists over the Given Name (previously first name) value. The Family Name (previously last name) value is then appended to form the complete Display Name , e.g., (“Preferred Name” or “Given Name”) + “Family Name”

I don’t know if these new default identity attributes (Preferred Name, etc…) will be deployed to old tenants, but I will find out.


@sup3rmark The decision was not to deploy these attributes to old tenants, the worry was that there would be issues that would appear, specifically in the ones that were renamed.

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