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Display Name


The Use Preferred Name in Display Name transform forms an identity’s Display Name value using the Preferred Name value when it exists over the Given Name value. The Family Name value is then appended to form the complete Display Name, e.g., ("Preferred Name" or "Given Name") + "Family Name"

Transform Structure

The displayName generator transform is intended for using Preferred Name over Given Name to create an identity’s Display Name.

"type": "displayName",
"name": "Display Name Transform"


  • Required Attributes
    • type - This must always be set to displayName.
    • name - This is a required attribute for all transforms. It represents the name of the transform as it will appear in the UI's dropdown menus.


This transform takes the user's Preferred Name or Given Name, and appends the user's Family Name. For example:

If the user's Preferred Name is John, Given Name is Jonathan, and Family Name is Doe, the Display Name would be John Doe.

If the user's Preferred Name is not set, Given Name is Jonathan, and Family Name is Doe, the Display Name would be Jonathan Doe.

Transform Request Body:

"type": "displayName",
"name": "Display Name Transform"