Hi All, Disable Account Source
Used above mentioned query but it works for single account but i need to do this for multiple accounts.
If i want to disable users in bulk how could i achieve this using workflow.
I have used the loop but it not disabling the accounts.
Based on assumptions lets say , you are disabling accounts using workflows for identities whose lifecycle attribute is changing .
The following is the workflow : .
The key changes you need consider is , “Manager Accounts” operation . Select choose variable and give a proper filter which can fetch all account ids.
HI @Santhakumar ,
My suggestion will be , For all other sources , add them in identity profile configuration to be disabled in inactive lcs instead of workflow.It will be more easy instead of workflow.
But we have 50+ users who’s LCS is already inactive so i want to trigger the disable operation to this users.
How can i achieve this?
Triggers used: Account Aggregation Completed
I have tried to get users by search query: @accounts(source.name:“AD”) AND attributes.cloudLifecycleState:inactive in Get List of Identities.
And use the loop to get the all users ID and in Manage Accounts i have give like this:
$.getAccounts.accounts[*].id and also give this $.getAccounts.accounts[?(@.sourceName==‘AD’)].id
But the loop has taken the Identities ID as input but it was not taking the source id to disable in Mange Accounts
In loop i have given
For Get Accounts given like $.loop.loopInput By Identity and
Manage Accounts $.getAccounts.accounts[].id
I have tested the workflow for your usecase . It worked for me. Please try the below:
Step 1: Choose a suitable trigger (Aggregation is also fine) .
Step 2 : Search query to fetch your intended identities (inactive lcs and exists in ad)
Step 3: Iterate these identity id’s in a loop ( you did it for all identities instead of id’s which will consume lot of time) use loop input : $.getListOfIdentities.identities[*].id
Step 3.1 : Get Account ID’s of the intended identities using Get Accounts Operator within the loop. Use Get Accounts input : $.loop.loopInput
Step 3.2: Manage Accounts Operation. Pass $.getAccounts.accounts[*].id in the manage account operator .
Creator Attribute & Modified By Attribute: Replace these with your own identity details.
Source name Replacement: Substitute all instances of “Active Directory” with the actual name of your Active Directory source Name.
Search Query Update: Modify the search query within the workflow to target the specific accounts you want to disenabled.
Workflow Limitations
Please be aware of potential limitations associated with this workflow approach:
Timeout Constraints: The “Get Accounts” operation might fail if it exceeds a one-minute execution time. This can occur if there are a large number of accounts to process.
Recommended Approach: Birthright Provisioning
For a more efficient and reliable account disabling process, I recommend utilizing Birthright Provisioning . This feature automates account lifecycle management based on user attributes. You can find detailed information on Birthright Provisioning in the following documentation: