Hi Team,
I am working on a project, where the requirement to configure logic, if HR adds the email value to the email address attribute in the workday during the new hire record, it must be picked up by AD provisioning and updated that email id to AD’s email attribute, else follow $[email protected] (cloud rule).
Generally, HR keeps the email attribute empty. they update when a new hiring executive wants to use the customized email not the standard which is set up in sAMAccountName attribute(cloud rule)
I have tried to configure transform in create profile for email attribute. now I am not sure what value I should enter in email attribute if I select static?
"name": "email",
"transform": {
"attributes": {
"workEmail": {
"type": "firstValid",
"attributes": {
"values": [{
"attributes": {
"name": "Work Email"
"type": "identityAttribute"
"value": "#if($workEmail.contains('NONE'))[email protected]#{else}$workEmail#end"
"type": "static"
"attributes": {},
"isRequired": false,
"type": "string",
"isMultiValued": false
attaching the screenshot, to know what value should I update there
$[sAMAccountName Came from sAMAccountName attribute