Custom SPRights

I’ve created a new SPRight Capability to be able to view membership of entitlements. (Intelligence, Advanced Analytics)

When testing:

When I search and then click on an entitlement that I’d like to see membership on, I get the following error: “An unexpected error occurred: The server response could not be evaluated.”

This is only when selecting the entitlement after the initial search or by selecting the “Access” tab on the entitlement.

If I click Ok, it goes away and I can continue without issue.

Anyone have any ideas of what would be causing this to occur? Thank you!

Here’s my custom SPRight:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Capability PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Capability created="1663388122628" displayName="View Group Membership" id="0a53b0988b8c1ad1818bf7cbcfe61f30" modified="1701982107947" name="ViewGroupMembership">
<Reference class="sailpoint.object.SPRight" id="8acc915a8349a7b3018349a87916004c" name="ViewAccountGroups"/>

Can you provide us with the xml object in entirety ?

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Hi @angie_vetrone,

Please provide the complete error logs.

Hi @angie_vetrone ,

Welcome to the developer community!!
Could you please share the xml object for SPRight capability

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Sorry about that!

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Capability PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Capability created="1663388122628" displayName="View Group Membership" id="0a53b0988b8c1ad1818bf7cbcfe61f30" modified="1701982107947" name="ViewGroupMembership">
    <Reference class="sailpoint.object.SPRight" id="8acc915a8349a7b3018349a87916004c" name="ViewAccountGroups"/>

Hi @angie_vetrone ,

It doesn’t look like the issue is because of this Capability. I have tested it in sandbox setup, and it is working without any issue. This type of error usually is shown when the server cannot render the page. Please share the stack trace (logs), this will help in understanding the issue.

Ok, I’ll work on getting some logs. I’m not seeing anything that stands out yet. I did try this exact capability in another environment and received the same error.

Nothing is coming back on the logs. I’ve recreated the error over and over again. Is there a specific DEBUG setting that would show something like this? Thanks.

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