IIQ Provisioning - Entitlement not found for user. Cannot Add non-existing entitlement

Trying to place an order in IIQ for an application that was just setup and continue to get the following message:

Entitlement not found for user. Cannot Add non-existing entitlement.

The entitlement exist and is marked as requestable but when looking at the order after all the approvals it fails with the above message

Could you please provide additional information regarding the application or system where you encountered the error message? It would be helpful to understand the specific context in which this error occurred. Additionally, if you are using any customized workflow or logs, please share those details as well. This will enable me to provide you with a more accurate and tailored response.

Steps taken with in IIQ:

  1. Go to “Manage User Access”
  2. Select the user you want to grant the access to “langn”
  3. Select the entitlement you want in this case it was: PROD|myhost,1821|mydb|readwrite
  4. Submit the order
  5. Forward the approval to myself so I can approve the order
  6. Approve the order
  7. Wait for the order to process
  8. Go to Advance Analytics and then to Access Request
  9. Look up the order I submitted and see that it failed with the full message of: sailpoint.connector.InvalidRequestException: [ InvalidRequestException ] [ Error details ] Entitlement ‘PROD|myhost,1821|mydb|readwrite’ not found for user. Cannot Add non-existing entitlement.

ManagedAttribute-0a18684688cc1bf48188dea3db790878.xml (539 Bytes)

Could you please provide more information like Connector type , is there any specific customization, provisioning plan and the logs for the issue

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