Connector type: XML - Error: Elements of nativeObjectType are defined as ComplexType

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Version 8.3

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Hello, I am trying to connect application using XML type connector.
In Configuration/Settings
XML Element for Account: user

I have schema file which contain user like in attached screenshot.

For above settings:
How to recreate: Click on discover schema under schema.
error : Unable to discover the [account] schema for this application.[sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Discover Schema failed. Error: Error: Elements of nativeObjectType are defined as ComplexType.

problem: User has other elements under it. so can’t change it to xs:simpleType. how can I approach this?

Identifying XML Element for Account/Account Group mapping for XML Schema:

  • It must be an XML Element
  • The XML Element type must be complexType
  • Elements of this element should not have been defined as complexType


Thanks for the help in advance! I really appreciate it!

Hi Sanket.
Would be good if you could paste here the whole app definition xml.

Thank You! Please find the application definition xml below:
APP.xml (5.8 KB)