Connecting to PostgreSQL 15 using the JDBC Connector

I personally didn’t find much information on the SailPoint websites regarding Postgres.

Below is example connection information.

You will need to obtain the jar file. Currently the file I used for postgresql 15 was “postgresql-42.7.2.jar”. You upload this file into the JDBC Connector on the tenant. Download | pgJDBC (

The Driver Java Class Name is: “org.postgresql.Driver”

The URL Connection String is: “jdbc:postgresql://<ip / dns of db server>:/”

Example: jdbc:postgresql://

Note that with version 15 you can’t use the public schema. Create a new schema and tables / views you need under that custom schema. I’m not a postgres expert, but as an example I created a user named sailpoint, a database named sailpoint, custom schema named sailpoint and a table named Identities. I then use Select * FROM Identities for the queries. This is a bare bones dev environment example and shouldn’t represent a production database.

There are online walkthroughs to quickly setup a postgresql database server. One such guide is: How to Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu + pgAdmin Setup (

Thanks for sharing the information Fred. I utilized jdbc connector for MySql Database but getting to know that it is working well for Postgres as well is great.

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