Change Search Queries in IIQ Search bar

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

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Is there any way to improve IIQ’s default search bar, to be able to search anything besides from the exact match? Additionally it would be useful to be able to search identities multiple identifying variables.

Hello @joaovrodrigues,

Are you talking about Advanced Analytics? If so, can you tell us more about your requirement?

Could you please let us know exact requirement here?

Sorry about the delayed response.
I’m talking in a general sense, for example, in sailpoint when searching for applications or tasks I need to search for the exact match, not being able to just search for part of the application/task name.

I have tried this in 7.3

OOTB it doesn’t come , but what you can do is the add below entry in the system configuration -->searchInputDefinitions tag and it will search with any word if you task name contains

<SearchInputDefinition description="task definition" headerKey="task definition" ignoreCase="true" inputType="Like" matchMode="ANYWHERE" name="taskDefinitionSearch" propertyName="name" propertyType="String" searchType="TaskDefinition"/>