We are using the Campaign Status Report to do a compare and review against the source data to confirm we have captured all of the access at the request of the Auditors. For the source, we have Roles set up that only have access from that source. Since we can’t filter roles by a single source, we have a Naming Convention for them of “<SOURCE_NAME> - <ROLE_NAME>” which works for most cases.
When we view the Certification Campaign Status Report though, the roles show up with a blank Source column, and “Multiple_Accounts” listed in the Account Name column. Because of this, it is difficult to link those lines back to the correct account. The auditors also called out the “Multiple_Accounts” Label as well for not being descriptive.
For the case where all items come from a single source, it would be great if the report used that source and account name.
Alternately, if there was an option like a check box that could be configured to state that this role was going to be a Single-Source Role, that would be helpful as well. This could then be used within the report to determine whether to show the source and account name.
The reason that having a single-source role is that in many cases we would like to use the automated criteria of the role to do the assignment, but only want it from a single source.