Certification Expiration includes TIME in Email Templates, but time is not configurable

What problem are you observing?

When you create a certification, you select the Due Date, with the options being 1 Week, 2 weeks, 30 Days, or Selected on Campaign Start. When you select this, you do not select the time.

When you received the emails for Certifications, those use the $certification.expiration DateTime field, which prints the Date AND time in GMT. Since there is no way to set the time, it should not be displayed in the email, as it is confusing to the user. There is also no way to remove the time portion with the current spTools in V1 templates.

What is the correct behavior?

Since the time is not able to be set, the time should not be displayed.

What product feature is this related to?

Certifications and Certification Email Templates

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Create a certification for 30 days and start it. Look at the email received and see that the time is there.

Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?

All environments.

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