Can I link to identity details from the results of a custom report in Identity IQ?

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Identity IQ 8.4

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Hi. I’m new to Sailpoint IQ and to developing custom reports but I’ve created a custom report that returns Identity data. I would like to know if it is possible to select an identity from the report results and be taken to the Identity Details for that identity in the same way that clicking on an identity in the Identity Warehouse takes you to the identity details.

Thank you.

Hi @tltroy,

the only solution that I can imagine is to put the url in a column of report creating like a link, but I dont if it possible and I never try.

Not sure about your use case . But why someone would do that from report . Report is more like you sharing the data . I would say better add all the identity attribute of user itself in the custom report .


I try this:

but doesnt work :yum: :smiling_face_with_tear:

I dontk if is other possible way to meke that but generally I agree with @vishal_kejriwal1

Thanks Emanuele. Yes, I tried this and it didn’t work for me either.

I am working to report too and I will try this. If I fuond a solution, I will write to you