Campaign Filters OR Search filter - Need help

I have multiple sources in our IDN env. I want to create a campaign filter for a manager campaign on particular Source name = QT . This source QT contains 255 entitlements including a value “ALL”
Need help is writing a campaign filter that contains all the 254 entitlements except for ALL

I wrote an inclusion filter where Entitlement for Source “QT Technologies Access” doesnot equal ALL.
This is not working, it is pulling all the identities from all other sources. Please help

You can use Certification Campaign from Search tab for this…

  1. Write a query ("QT Technologies Access" AND NOT name:ALL) that will return all 254 entitlements and test the same in Search to ensure the query returns the entitlements you want
  2. Now create a new campaign under Search tab (3rd icon on left side) with the following steps
  • Specific Access Items that I select
  • paste the query from Line 1 above and search
  • Click on Entitlements and Select All
  • Add to Campaign\
  • Certify this Access
    … rest of the steps are quite simple and self explanatory in the UI
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could there be a reason why you prefer inclusion over exclusion?
if it’s an exclusion filter
Operation = ALL
It will exclude the entitlement ALL from the source selected

Thank you much Nithesh. That worked!

When I provide the exclusion filter and run a manager campaign, it doesn’t allow to select from a single source. If I provide the source name in the campaign filter, and run manager campaign it still pulls in all other identities from every source present in our environment.

That is because the filter configuration is such that it is “always” OR that is applied between multiple conditions you specify

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