Campaign filter API

Is there any API available to create campaign filters. I am trying to create filter exclusion rules which take a lot of time if done value, so trying to create rules using a script to exclude all the roles and entitlements.

Is there a better way to do this ?

Hi Yatharth,

Please see this post to get started: Campaign Filter - API

@colin_mckibben I will note that there is no way to “GET” a campaign filter currently that I can tell. The inspection view in chrome shows a URL


However, I get a 401 when trying to hit that in Postman.

There’s a UI issue here… let’s say your source has a Group->Role relationship in entitlement types and you want to create a campaign filter with only certain group entitlements. If you happen to have a group/role with the same name, you have no way of telling which one you’re selecting in the UI

and AFAIK there’s no way of going back and confirming I have the correct entitlement selected

Here is the POST that happens when I save the filter. There are no IDs that appear to be passed in so I have no idea whether it’s going to use the group or role with that name

	"name": "SuccessFactors Privileged Groups",
	"description": "Includes only privileged groups for uncorrelated account certification",
	"owner": "Mark Cheek",
	"mode": "INCLUSION",
	"criteriaList": [{
		"operation": "AND",
		"property": "displayableName",
		"sourceName": "SuccessFactors",
		"type": "COMPOSITE",
		"value": "HR/IT_ADM_GLOBAL PROXY",
		"children": [{
			"type": "ENTITLEMENT",
			"operation": "EQUALS",
			"property": "displayableName",
			"value": "HR/IT_ADM_GLOBAL PROXY"
		}, {
			"type": "ENTITLEMENT",
			"operation": "EQUALS",
			"property": "application",
			"value": "SuccessFactors"
	}, {
		"operation": "AND",
		"property": "displayableName",
		"sourceName": "SuccessFactors",
		"type": "COMPOSITE",
		"value": "HR_ADM_BENEFITS",
		"children": [{
			"type": "ENTITLEMENT",
			"operation": "EQUALS",
			"property": "displayableName",
			"value": "HR_ADM_BENEFITS"
		}, {
			"type": "ENTITLEMENT",
			"operation": "EQUALS",
			"property": "application",
			"value": "SuccessFactors"
	}, {
		"operation": "AND",
		"property": "displayableName",
		"sourceName": "SuccessFactors",
		"type": "COMPOSITE",
		"value": "HR_ADM_CMP",
		"children": [{
			"type": "ENTITLEMENT",
			"operation": "EQUALS",
			"property": "displayableName",
			"value": "HR_ADM_CMP"
		}, {
			"type": "ENTITLEMENT",
			"operation": "EQUALS",
			"property": "application",
			"value": "SuccessFactors"
	"isSystemFilter": false