Entitlement and Role description in campaign filter


Is is possible to use a keyword (like ‘Certify’) in Entitlement description or Role description to be used in campaign filter?

I created a filter using contains operation on entitlement but it doesn’t seems to be working

I checked backed JSON and found it is checking against display name

Any workaround? Can we change property to entitlement.description or description to make it work?
I can’t use search based filter due to sheer volume of data in my environment and as there is limit of 10k on identities and access items.


Hi @Anshu_Kunal,

There is a post that shows how to format the json for campaign filters. Now, I don’t know if it will take the entitlement.description but you could try. Use the type as COMPOSITE and enter the property as entitlement.description.
Here’s an example,

"children": [
                            "operation": "AND",
                            "property": "entitlement.description",
                            "sourceName": "Enter Source Name",
                            "type": "COMPOSITE",
                            "value": "certify",
                            "children": [
                                    "type": "ENTITLEMENT",
                                    "operation": "CONTAINS",
                                    "property": "entitlement.description",
                                    "value": "certify"
                                    "type": "SOURCE",
                                    "operation": "EQUALS",
                                    "property": "application",
                                    "value": "Enter Source Name"

Here’s that post for more details - Creating a Complex Campaign Filter (multiple AND/OR) - Any Examples? - #8 by mcheek.


I had tried it, filter JSON gets update but doesn’t give desired result on certification campaign.


Could you please share the entire JSON? thanks!

According to Sailpoint documents, Entitlements are filtered based on their display names.Using Campaign Filters - SailPoint Identity Services


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