Campaign Filter with AND Condition

Hi All,

I have to create an un-correlated certification for a Source, where the below filter have to apply in AND condition.

But IDN is taking Filter in OR condition which is giving the unexpected result.

Do we have any way to use filter in AND condition or Any workaroud .

Thanks in Advance

What is your filter type? Include or Exclude?

Include filter.


So it seems like you want to create a campaign to certify identities that

  • have an account in a certain Source
  • a specific account attribute Active equals Yes
  • and have a specific entitlement Customer Approval Manager from this Source

Is this Source an Auth Source and the account attribute Active mapped to identity attribute?

No the source is not Auth source , its a simple source for which we have to certify uncorrelated accounts with specific entitlement and only Active uncorrelated accounts need to certify .

I am assuming you are using Uncorrelated Accounts Certification Campaign option that is available from Search section and selecting only ONE source in the campaign.

Based on this, I suggest using below logic:

You want to Include based on Condition 1 AND Condition 2
Instead use Exclude based on NOT Condition 1 OR NOT Condition 2

So, create an Exclusion filter with following conditions:
Entitlement Does Not Equal Customer Approval Manager
Account Attribute Active Does Not Equal Yes

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