Birthright AD-lifecycle state

I need to generate a Birthright AD based on the current life cycle state and the state date, using today’s date as the reference point. Can you help me understand how to achieve this?

Hi @kanusha9

  1. Create a Transformation: Develop a transformation to calculate lifecycle states such as “active,” “pre-hire,” and “terminated” based on the provided start date. Lifecycle State Transform | SailPoint Developer Community
  2. Configure Identity Profile Provisioning: Configure the identity profile provisioning settings in alignment with the calculated lifecycle states.
  3. Role Creation and Configuration: Based on the lifecycle states, create a role. Ensure that membership criteria are established for this role and include the lifecycle reference.
  4. Assign Birthright Entitlements: Add the relevant Active Directory-related birthright entitlements to the role.
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You can generate Transform (Date compare) then use Role with Criteria to add AD access based on the criteria

  1. Create custom attribute (joinerflag) and add date compare transform to it
    if start Date is >= current date then value should be Yes
  2. Create role with criteria
    Joinerflag = Yes and LifeCyclestate is Active

Let me know if you need more information


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Hello Anusha,

first of all you should generate transform rule to determine if the date is before o after today’s date, once you have correctly define this attribute you will need to create a role to define the assignment criteria, which should be based on that identity attribute.
you can check the transform documentacion here: Transforms | SailPoint Developer Community And for the roles: Managing Roles - SailPoint Identity Services


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Hi @kanusha9,

If transforms and especially lifecycle state transforms are very new to you, I think this webinar might be helpful for you.

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