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In SailPoint's cloud services, transforms allow you to manipulate attribute values while aggregating from or provisioning to a source. This guide provides a reference to help you understand the purpose, configuration, and usage of transforms.

What Are Transforms

Transforms are configurable objects that define easy ways to manipulate attribute data without requiring you to write code. Transforms are configurable building blocks with sets of inputs and outputs:

Because there is no code to write, an administrator can configure these by using a JSON object structure and uploading them into Identity Security Cloud using Identity Security Cloud's Transform REST APIs.


Sometimes transforms are referred to as Seaspray, the codename for transforms. Identity Security Cloud Transforms and Seaspray are essentially the same.

How Transforms Work

Transforms typically have an input(s) and output(s). The way the transformation occurs mainly depends on the type of transform. Refer to Operations in Identity Security Cloud Transforms for more information.

For example, a Lower transform transforms any input text strings into lowercase versions as output. So if the input were Foo, the lowercase output of the transform would be foo:

There are other types of transforms too. For example, an E.164 Phone transform transforms any input phone number strings into an E.164 formatted version as output. So if the input were (512) 346-2000, the output would be +1 5123462000:

Multiple Transform Inputs

In the previous examples, each transform had a single input. Some transforms can specify more than one input. For example, the Concat transform concatenates one or more strings together. If Foo and Bar were inputs, the transformed output would be FooBar:

Complex Nested Transforms

For more complex use cases, a single transform may not be enough. It is possible to link several transforms together. Identity Security Cloud calls these 'nested' transforms because they are transform objects within other transform objects.

An example of a nested transform would be using the previous Concat transform and passing its output as an input to another Lower transform. If the inputs Foo and Bar were passed into the transforms, the ultimate output would be foobar, concatenated and in lowercase.

There is no hard limit for the number of transforms that can be nested. However, the more transforms applied, the more complex the nested transform will be, which can make it difficult to understand and maintain.

Configuring Transform Behavior

Some transforms can specify an attributes map that configures the transform behavior. Each transform type has different configuration attributes and different uses. To better understand what is configurable per transform, refer to the Transform Types section and the associated Transform guide(s) that cover each transform.

It is possible to extend the earlier complex nested transform example. If a Replace transform, which replaces certain strings with replacement text, were added, and the transform were configured to replace Bar with Baz the output would be added as an input to the Concat and Lower transforms:

The output of the Replace transform would be Baz which is then passed as an input to the Concat transform along with Foo producing an output of FooBaz. This is then passed as an input into the Lower transform, producing a final output of foobaz.

Transform Syntax

Transforms are JSON objects. Prior to this, the transforms have been shown as flows of building blocks to help illustrate basic transform ideas. However at the simplest level, a transform looks like this:

"name": "Lowercase Department",
"type": "lower",
"attributes": {
"transform-attribute-1": "attribute-1-value",
"transform-attribute-2": "attribute-2-value"

There are three main components of a transform object:

  1. name - This specifies the name of the transform. It refers to a transform in the Identity Security Cloud API or User Interface (UI). Only provide a name on the root-level transform. Nested transforms do not have names.

  2. type - This specifies the transform type, which ultimately determines the transform's behavior.

  3. attributes - This specifies any attributes or configurations for controlling how the transform works. As mentioned earlier in Configuring Transform Behavior, each transform type has different sets of attributes available.


When uploading a transform to Identity Security Cloud it cannot exceed 400KB.

Template Engine

Seaspray ships with the Apache Velocity template engine that allows a transform to reference, transform, and render values passed into the transform context. Every string value in a Seaspray transform can contain templated text and will run through the template engine.


In the following string, the text $firstName is replaced by the value of firstName in the template context. The same goes for $lastName.

If $firstName=John and $lastName=Doe then the string $firstName.$lastNamewould render asJohn.Doe.

Identity Attribute Context

The following variables are available to the Apache Velocity template engine when a transform is used to source an identity attribute.

identitysailpoint.object.IdentityThis is the identity the attribute promotion is performed on.
attributeDefinitionsailpoint.object.ObjectAttributeThis is the definition of the attribute being promoted.
oldValueObjectThis is the attribute's previous value.

Account Profile Context

The following variables are available to the Apache Velocity template engine when a transform is used in an account profile.

fieldsailpoint.object.FieldThis is the field definition backing the account profile attribute.
identitysailpoint.object.IdentityThis is the identity the account profile is generating for.
applicationsailpoint.object.ApplicationThis is the application backing the source that owns the account profile.
currentObjectThis is the attribute's current value.

Implicit vs Explicit Input

A special configuration attribute available to all transforms is input. If the input attribute is not specified, this is referred to as implicit input, and the system determines the input based on what is configured. If the input attribute is specified, then this is referred to as explicit input, and the system's input is ignored in favor of whatever the transform explicitly specifies. A good way to understand this concept is to walk through an example. Imagine that Identity Security Cloud has the following:

  • An account on Source 1 with department set to Services.
  • An account on Source 2 with department set to Engineering.

The following two examples explain how a transform with an implicit or explicit input would work with those sources.

Implicit Input

An identity profile is configured the following way:

Configuring Transform Behavior 2

As an example, the "Lowercase Department" transform being used is written the following way:

"name": "Lowercase Department",
"type": "lower",
"attributes": {}

Notice that the attributes has no input. This is an implicit input example. The transform uses the input provided by the attribute you mapped on the identity profile.

In this example, the transform would produce services when the source is aggregated because Source 1 is providing a department of Services which the transform then lowercases.

Explicit Input

As an example, the Lowercase Department has been changed the following way:

"name": "Lowercase Department",
"type": "lower",
"attributes": {
"input": {
"type": "accountAttribute",
"attributes": {
"attributeName": "department",
"sourceName": "Source 2"

Notice that there is an input in the attributes. This is an explicit input example. The transform uses the value Source 2 provides for the department attribute, ignoring your configuration in the identity profile.

In this example, the transform would produce "engineering" because Source 2 is providing a department of Engineering which the transform then lowercases. Though the system is still providing an implicit input of Source 1's department attribute, the transform ignores this and uses the explicit input specified as Source 2's department attribute.


This is also an example of a nested transform.

Account Transforms

Account attribute transforms are configured on the account create profiles. They determine the templates for new accounts created during provisioning events.


These transforms are configured separately from the transforms applied via the identity profile mappings tab.


These can be configured in Identity Security Cloud by going to Admin > Sources > (A Source) > Accounts (tab) > Create Account.

The available options on this page are constructed as transforms behind the scenes. For example, the identity attribute mapping choice is saved as an identity attribute transform definition within the saved create profile.

These can also be configured with Identity Security Cloud REST APIs. You can define any kind of transform you want for any field in the create profile policy, to calculate account attributes in ways beyond what the UI offers. See Transforms in Provisioning Policies.

For more information on the Identity Security Cloud REST API endpoints used to managed transform objects in APIs, refer to Identity Security Cloud Transform REST APIs.


For details about authentication against REST APIs, refer to the authentication docs.

Testing Transforms on Account Create

To test a transform for an account create profile, you must generate a new account creation provisioning event. This involves granting access to an identity who does not already have an account on this source; an account is created as a byproduct of the access assignment. This can be initiated with access request or even role assignment.

Applying Transforms on Account Create

Once the transforms are saved to the account profile, they are automatically applied for any subsequent provisioning events.

Testing Transforms

Testing Transforms in Identity Profile Mappings

To test a transform for identity data, go to Identities > Identity Profiles and select Mappings. Select the transform to map one of your identity attributes, select Save, and preview your identity data.

Testing Transforms for Account Attributes

To test a transform for account data, you must provision a new account on that source. For example, you can create an access request that would result in a new account on that source, or you can assign a new role.

Transform Best Practices

  • Designing Complex Transforms - Start with small transform building blocks and add to them. It can be helpful to diagram out the inputs and outputs if you are using many transforms.

  • JSON Editor - Because transforms are JSON objects, it is recommended that you use a good JSON editor. Atom, Sublime Text, and Microsoft Code work well because they have JSON formatting and plugins that can do JSON validation, completion, formatting, and folding. This is very useful for large complex JSON objects.

  • Leverage Examples - Many implementations use similar sets of transforms, and a lot of common solutions can be found in examples. Feel free to share your own transform examples on the Developer Community forum!

  • Same Problem, Multiple Solutions - There can be multiple ways to solve the same problem, but use the solution that makes the most sense to your implementation and is easiest to administer and understand.

  • Encapsulate Repetition - If you are copying and pasting the same transforms over and over, it can be useful to make a transform a standalone transform and make other transforms reference it by using the reference type.

  • Plan for Bad Data - Data will not always be perfect, so plan for data failures and try to ensure transforms still produce workable results in case data is missing, malformed, or there are incorrect values.

Transforms vs. Rules

Sometimes it can be difficult to decide when to implement a transform and when to implement a rule. Both transforms and rules can calculate values for identity or account attributes.

Despite their functional similarity, transforms and rules have very different implementations. Transforms are JSON-based configurations, editable with Identity Security Cloud's transform REST APIs. Rules are implemented with code (typically BeanShell, a Java-like syntax), so they must follow the Identity Security Cloud Rule Guidelines, and they require SailPoint to be reviewed and installed into the tenant. Rules, however, can do things that transforms cannot in some cases.

Because transforms have easier and more accessible implementations, they are generally recommended. With transforms, any Identity Security Cloud administrator can view, create, edit, and delete transforms directly with REST API without SailPoint involvement.

If something cannot be done with a transform, then consider using a rule. When you are transitioning from a transform to a rule, you must take special consideration when you decide where the rule executes.

If you use a rule, make note of it for administrative purposes. The best practice is to check in these types of artifacts into some sort of version control (e.g., GitHub, et. Al.) for records.