BeyondTrust Privilege Management Computers for Windows and Mac Connector

:spiral_notepad: Description BeyondTrust Privilege Management Computers for Windows and Mac SaaS Connector
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:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link
:open_book: New to SaaS connectors in the CoLab? Read the getting started guide for SaaS Connectors in the CoLab.
:hospital: Supported by Community Developed


The BeyondTrust Privilege Management for Windows & Mac Computers (PM Cloud Computers) connector has been created using SailPoint Identity Security Cloud SaaS Connectivity.

The PM Cloud Computers SaaS Connector is for managing Granular Elevation Policies associated with end-user Computers. It is different from the PM Cloud SaaS Connector, which is for managing PM Cloud web administrators Roles and Permissions, e.g. Policy Editor, Computer Groups Editors, etc.

Supported Use Cases:

  • Computers List
  • Computer Read
  • Computer Update (Computer Group membership)
  • Computer Enable
  • Computer Disable
  • Computer Groups List
  • Computer Group Read

Note: Create Computer is not supported by the Connector or PM Cloud REST API. Computers are registered to PM Cloud via the PM Cloud Adapter installation.


Identity Security Cloud
BeyondTrust Privilege Management for Windows & Mac v23.9+


In PM Cloud, create an API account with Full Access to the Management API.

Use the SaaS Connectivity CLI to upload the PM Cloud Computers SaaS Connector to your Identity Security Cloud instance. Then Create a new Source using the PM Cloud Computers SaaS Connector, and provide Base and Authentication URLs, and Client ID and Client Secret.

For a complete step-by-step with screenshots, please see the GitHub project.

Questions, feedback and comments: [email protected]

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