Before operation

I need some help, I have an application via Web Service that adds some values and among it has the email, now I need to use the email to add a new profile to this application, I’m using “$plan.Email$”, but it comes empty. Can you help me and get this value from the email that comes in the account aggregation and add it when adding a new profile?

Below is the payload of the call to add a new profile:
“tipo”: “I”,
“login”: “$plan.nativeIdentity$”,
“empresa”: “0514”,
“perfilId”: “$plan.ID_Perfil$”,
“grupoId”: “$plan.ID_Perfil$”,
“parceiroId”: 2,
“email”: “$$”

I’ve already analyzed the site at this link “Web Services Before Operation Rule”, but I still haven’t been able to get an example of a call to get the value of an attribute that is coming in the aggregation, using it to add a value as a new profile for that same application. Does anyone have an example of how I configure this process so that when I add a new profile the “$$” brings the email and it is not empty?

Map Aggregation:

This part of the aggregation works perfectly, however when I try to add a new profile it generates error 400 “bad request” because the email is missing, because the payload lacks the email because the “$$” is empty.
How can I develop a before operation to get the value that is already in the account and add this value to “$$”, so that this value is not empty when adding a new profile to an account in this application?

Is there a way to do this with clearer examples for this process?

Hi @reinajss Assuming that you are able to get the email attribute in the response of aggregation operation. You can use it in the upcoming operation’s payload by “email”:“$$” instead of “email”:$$

Cool Rajesh, could you please show an example of how I would do this process?

I am very grateful for your help.

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