We need to provision few unique attributes while creating accounts in Active Directory. I’m planning to use Before Creation Rule to see if I can use it to update the provisioningPlan instead of using BeforeProvisioning rule. But I don’t see any examples on how to use it in SP documentation. I tried following instructions as per After Creation Rule but I can only see values being passed but no way modify them.
Any suggestions/examples would be very much helpful.
Plan cannot be changed in before creation rule on iqservice. The connector has already interpreted it because connector code lies on VA which is before Iqservice. Before create rule runs on iqservice.
you can do the provisioning in aftercreate rule using powershell directly instead of trying to add those attributes in plan.
HI Chirag,
But the following link Before After Scripts for IQService does mention that you can update the rule in BeforeCreate rule.
I tried it but wasn’t able to. Is this a document bug or the example is incomplete? Does it work only for Azure and not AD on-prem?