Approval Email Notification is not getting trigerred for Role requests

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.2

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We recently noticed for role requests email notification is not getting triggered for manager approval and data owner approval. When I checked our custom LCM provisioning, I could not see any condition to filter role requests. Also I noticed Email notification template has been included in all steps.

Can anyone suggest how do we enable email notification for role requests.


Hi @Preethi

Can you check in Variable “notificationScheme” ? here you need to add manager also.

<Variable initializer="requester, manager" input="true" name="notificationScheme"/>

Hi @pravin_ranjan

I have added manager in notificationscheme. But still manager approval notification is not sent.


Hi @Preethi,

Could you please attach a sanitized workflow trace of the LCM provisioning and the workflow object itself to this thread?

Hi @sreeram 
Please find below LCM Code as I am not able to put the traces here`Preformatted text`
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?>
<!DOCTYPE Workflow PUBLIC sailpoint.dtd sailpoint.dtd>
<Workflow configForm=Provisioning Workflow Config Form created= handler=sailpoint.api.StandardWorkflowHandler id= libraries=Identity,Role,PolicyViolation,LCM,BatchRequest modified= name=LCM Provisioning taskType=LCM type=LCMProvisioning>
  <Variable input=true name=identityName>
    <Description>The name of the identity being updated.</Description>
  <Variable initializer=false input=true name=endOnManualWorkItems>
    <Description>Option to skip requests with manual work items.</Description>
  <Variable initializer=false input=true name=endOnProvisioningForms>
    <Description>Option to skip requests with provisioning forms.</Description>
  <Variable initializer=script:(identityDisplayName != void) ? identityDisplayName : resolveDisplayName(identityName) input=true name=identityDisplayName>
      The displayName of the identity being updated.
      Query for this using a projection query and fall back to the name.
  <Variable input=true name=plan>
    <Description>The provisioning plan ready to execute.</Description>
  <Variable input=true name=flow>
      The name of the LCM flow that launched this workflow.

      This is one of these three values:

  <Variable editable=true initializer=false name=optimisticProvisioning>
      Set to true to enable optimistic provisioning.  This will cause
      changes to the entitlements compiled from role assignments to be
      applied immediately to the identity cube rather than waiting
      for the next refresh/reaggregation after the provisioning system
      completes the request.
  <Variable editable=true initializer=true name=foregroundProvisioning>
      Normally provisioning is done in a step that uses the background
      option to force the workflow to be suspend and be resumed in a
      background task thread.  This prevents the browser session from
      hanging since provision can sometimes take a long time.  For demos
      and testing it can be better to do this in the foreground so that
      provisioning will have been performed when control is returned to the
      user.  This prevents having to run the Perform Maintenance task to
      see the results of the request.
  <Variable input=true name=batchRequestItemId>
      Used by the batch interface to record back individual request item status. The specific item id for the individual request in the batch file.
  <Variable editable=true name=doRefresh>
      Set to true to cause an identity refresh after the changes in the plan
      have been provisioned.  This is normally off, you might want this on
      if you want modification of identity or link attributes to result in
      an immediate re-evaluation of assigned and detected roles.
  <Variable initializer=user,requester, manager input=true name=notificationScheme>
     A string that specifies who should be notified when the request has been complete.
     The value can be null or a csv of one or more of the following options.

     none or null
       disable notifications

       Identity that is being update will be notified.

       The manager of the Identity that is being updated will be notified.

       The person that has requested the update will be notified.
  <Variable initializer=LCM User Notification input=true name=userEmailTemplate>
     The email template to use for user notification.
  <Variable initializer=LCM Requester Notification input=true name=requesterEmailTemplate>
     The email template to use for requester notification.
  <Variable initializer=LCM Manager Notification input=true name=managerEmailTemplate>
     The email template to use for manager notification.
  <Variable input=true name=securityOfficerEmailTemplate>
     The email template to use for security officer notification.
  <Variable initializer=parallel input=true name=approvalMode>
        A string that specifies how we should handle the approvals.

        By default this is serial since most of these request with
        the exception of manager transfers will have only one approver.

        Approvals are processed concurrently and there must be consensus,
        we wait for all approvers to approve.  The first approver that
        rejects terminates the entire approval.

        Approvals are processed concurrently but consensus is not required.
        All approvals will be processed, we dont stop if there are any

        Approvals are processed one at a time and there must be consensus.
        The first approver that rejects terminates the entire approval.

        Approvals are processed in order but consensus is not required.
        All approvals will be processed, we dont stop if there are any
        rejections.  In effect we are taking a poll of the approvers.

        Approvals are processed concurrently, the first approver to
        respond makes the decision for the group.
  <Variable initializer=owner input=true name=approvalScheme>
      A csv string that specifies how approval items should be generated
      for the incoming request.

      The value can be none, in which case approvals are disabled.

      The value can also be a combination of any of the values below
      in any order, separated by commas. The order in which they are
      specified is the order in which they are processed:

        The object owner gets the approval item.
        For Role approvals this is the Role object owner.
        For Entitlement approvals this is the Entitlement object owner.

        The manager gets the approval item.

        The identity in the variable securityOfficerName gets the approval item.

        The identities/workgroups in the variable approvingIdentities get the approval item.
  <Variable initializer=LCM Identity Update Approval input=true name=approvalEmailTemplate>
     The email template to use for approval notifications.
  <Variable initializer=Normal input=true name=workItemPriority>
       The String version of a WorkItem.Priority. This variable is
       used to set the priority on all of the workitems generated
       as part of this workflow and also set on the IdentityRequest
  <Variable input=true name=securityOfficerName>
       The name of the identity that will be sent approvals
       during security officer approvals.
  <Variable initializer=spadmin input=true name=fallbackApprover>
      A String that specifies the name of the Identity that will
      be assigned any approvals where the owner of the approver
      cant be resolved. Example if the scheme is owner and the
      application doesnt specify and owner.
  <Variable initializer=continue input=true name=policyScheme>
      A String that specifies how policy checks effect the overall

      none - disabled policy checking

      continue -  continue if policy violations are found

      interactive -  allow requester to remove request items which are causing violations

      fail -  this option will cause the workflow to terminate immediately if any policy violations are found.
              Note that the requester will not be notified that the workflow has terminated.
  <Variable initializer=false input=true name=enableRetryRequest>
      When set to true it will disable the workflow retry loop and let the
      Provision step launch requests to handle the retries.  Enabling
      this flag will enable some older functionality.
  <Variable input=true name=policiesToCheck>
      A List of policies that should be checked. If this list is
      empty all violations will be checked. Used in combination
      with policyScheme.
  <Variable initializer=LCM input=true name=source>
      String version of sailpoint.object.Source to indicate
      where the request originated.  Defaults to LCM.
  <Variable initializer=false name=trace>
      Used for debugging this workflow and when set to true trace
      will be sent to stdout.
  <Variable name=approvalSet>
       This attributes is set during the Build Approval Set step,
       which builds this list by going through the ProvisioningPlan
       to build the line items that need to be approved,

       This variable includes all ApprovalItems that are part of
       the request process and is updated during the AfterScript
       of the approval process by assimilating the decisions
       and comments from the Approvals copy of the ApprovalItem.
  <Variable initializer=true name=allowRequestsWithViolations>
      If this variable is set to true, requesters will be able to proceed past
      the Policy Violation Review form without taking any action on
      policy violations resulting from the request. This is only relevant
      if policyScheme=interactive.
  <Variable initializer=true name=requireViolationReviewComments>
      If true, requesters will be required to enter in comments if they
      proceed with a request that will result in policy violations. This
      is only relevant if policyScheme=interactive.
  <Variable name=project>
      ProvisioningProject which is just a compiled version of the ProvisioningPlan.
  <Variable name=policyViolations>
       List of policy violations that were found during our initial policy scan.
       This list is passed into each work item so the approvers can see
       pending violations.
  <Variable name=identityRequestId output=true>
       The sequence id of the Identity request object which is stored in
       the name field of the identity request and auto-incremented.
  <Variable name=violationReviewDecision>
       Decision made by the user in the Policy Violation Review step.
       This may be one of three choices:

       -ignore:   User is ignoring the violations and letting the request continue. If
                   requireViolationReviewComments=true the user will be required to enter
                   comments indicating why they are allowing the violations.

       -remediate: Indicates that the user removed the request items that were causing the

       -cancel:   Indicates that the user decided to abandon the request, terminating the workflow.

  <Variable name=workItemComments>
      Global comments accumulated during the workflow which should be shared
      with other approvals. When a new approval is created, the comments in this
      list will be added to the work item.
  <Variable input=true name=ticketManagementApplication>
      Name of the application that can handle ticket requests.
      When non-null the Manage Ticket Steps will be visited to open
      tickets during the workflow lifecycle.
  <Variable name=ticketId>
      The id of the ticket that is generated by the ticketingManagementApplication.
      This is typically generated on the open call, and then used in subsequent
      calls.  It is also stored on the IdentityRequest object under the
      externalTicketId variable.
  <Variable input=true name=managerElectronicSignature>
       The name of the electronic signature object that should be used when workitems
       are completed by a manager.
  <Variable input=true name=ownerElectronicSignature>
       The name of the electronic signature object that should be used when workitems
       are completed by object owners.
  <Variable input=true name=securityOfficerElectronicSignature>
       The name of the electronic signature object that should be used when workitems
       are completed by the security officer.
  <Variable input=true name=approvingIdentities>
      List of identities and/or workgroups names/ids that should be involved in the approval
  <Variable input=true name=identityElectronicSignature>
      The name of the electronic signature object that should be used when workitems
      are completed by identities and/or workgroups.
  <Variable input=true name=identityEmailTemplate>
      Name of the email template to use when notifying the identities/workgroups of pending approvals.
  <Variable initializer=true input=true name=filterRejects>
    <Description>True to filter rejected items when running in Serial/SerialPoll mode.</Description>
  <Variable initializer=false input=true name=setPreviousApprovalDecisions>
    <Description>True to pre-populate approval decisions from previous approvals.</Description>
  <Variable name=approvalSplitPoint>
          Variable to determine when to split into parallel processing.
          This should map to a configured approvalScheme. We will process all schemes up until
          the approvalSplitPoint in the Pre Split approvals, and the remaining schemes after
          we split the items. If this is not specified, we will not split the Provisioning
          project, and process the entire project as a whole.
  <Variable name=splitPlans>
          List of ProvisioningPlan that is generated from the splitPlans step if approvalSplitPoint is set.
  <Variable name=splitProjects>
          Variable to store the returns if approvalSplitPoint is set. This will contain a List&lt;ProvisioningProject>
  <Variable name=splitApprovalSet>
          Variable to store the list of approvalSets returned from the split subprocess if approvalSplitPoint is set.
  <Variable name=splitWorkItemComments>
          Variable to store the list of WorkItem comments returned from the split subprocess if approvalSplitPoint is set.
  <Variable initializer=false input=true name=saveUnmanagedPlan_WithProjectArgument>
      When true we will pass the project in to save unmanaged plan as an argument.
  <Variable initializer=false input=true name=requireCommentsForApproval>
      When true we will require comments when an approval item is approved.
  <Variable initializer=false input=true name=requireCommentsForDenial>
      When true we will require comments when an approval item is denied.
    <Reference class=sailpoint.object.Rule id=ac1ffeda72a81afe8172a8ab8d32018f name=LCM Workflow Library/>
  <Step icon=Start name=Start posX=25 posY=10>
    <Transition to=Initialize/>
  <Step icon=Task name=Initialize posX=134 posY=10>
    <Arg name=flow value=ref:flow/>
    <Arg name=formTemplate value=Identity Update/>
    <Arg name=identityName value=ref:identityName/>
    <Arg name=identityDisplayName value=ref:identityDisplayName/>
    <Arg name=launcher value=ref:launcher/>
    <Arg name=optimisticProvisioning value=ref:optimisticProvisioning/>
    <Arg name=plan value=ref:plan/>
    <Arg name=workItemPriority value=ref:workItemPriority/>
    <Arg name=policiesToCheck value=ref:policiesToCheck/>
    <Arg name=policyScheme value=ref:policyScheme/>
    <Arg name=source value=ref:source/>
    <Arg name=trace value=ref:trace/>
    <Arg name=requireViolationReviewComments value=ref:requireViolationReviewComments/>
    <Arg name=allowRequestsWithViolations value=ref:allowRequestsWithViolations/>
    <Arg name=enableRetryRequest value=ref:enableRetryRequest/>
    <Arg name=batchRequestItemId value=ref:batchRequestItemId/>
    <Arg name=endOnProvisioningForms value=ref:endOnProvisioningForms/>
    <Arg name=endOnManualWorkItems value=ref:endOnManualWorkItems/>
      Call the standard subprocess to initialize the request, this includes
      auditing, building the approvalset, compiling the plan into
       project and checking policy violations.
    <Return name=project to=project/>
    <Return name=approvalSet to=approvalSet/>
    <Return name=policyViolations to=policyViolations/>
    <Return name=identityRequestId to=identityRequestId/>
    <Return name=violationReviewDecision to=violationReviewDecision/>
    <Return merge=true name=workItemComments to=workItemComments/>
      <Reference class=sailpoint.object.Workflow id=ac1ffeda72a81c2b8172a8ac8d820043 name=Identity Request Initialize/>
    <Transition to=Exit On Manual Work Items when=script:(isTrue(endOnManualWorkItems) &amp;&amp; (project.getUnmanagedPlan() != null))/>
    <Transition to=Exit On Provisioning Form when=script:(isTrue(endOnProvisioningForms) &amp;&amp; (project.hasQuestions()))/>
    <Transition to=Exit On Policy Violation when=script:(&quot;cancel&quot;.equals(violationReviewDecision) || ((size(policyViolations) > 0 ) &amp;&amp; (policyScheme.equals(&quot;fail&quot;))))/>
    <Transition to=Create Ticket/>
  <Step condition=script:(ticketManagementApplication != null) icon=Task name=Create Ticket posX=381 posY=6>
    <Arg name=action value=open/>
    <Arg name=source value=ref:source/>
    <Arg name=workItemPriority value=ref:workItemPriority/>
    <Arg name=project value=ref:project/>
    <Arg name=ticketManagementApplication value=ref:ticketManagementApplication/>
    <Arg name=identityRequestId value=ref:identityRequestId/>
    <Arg name=ticketDataGenerationRule value=/>
    <Arg name=trace value=ref:trace/>
    <Arg name=ticketId value=ref:ticketId/>
      Call a subprocess to create a ticket in the ticketManagementApplication is non-null.
      You can specify a specific ticketDataGenerationRule here or you can also specify
      it on the application.  Itll be read from the argument first and fall back to the 
      application config.
    <Return name=ticketId to=externalTicketId/>
      <Reference class=sailpoint.object.Workflow id=ac1ffeda72a81afe8172a8ab8aa30183 name=Manage Ticket/>
    <Transition to=Pre Split Approve when=script:(!isNull(approvalSplitPoint) &amp;&amp; csvToList(approvalScheme).contains(approvalSplitPoint))/>
    <Transition to=Approve and Provision/>
  <Step condition=script:((flow == null) ||  (!&quot;UnlockAccount&quot;.equals(flow))) icon=Task name=Pre Split Approve posX=518 posY=63>
    <Arg name=approvalMode value=ref:approvalMode/>
    <Arg name=approvalScheme value=ref:approvalScheme>
              import java.util.List;
              import java.util.ArrayList;
              import java.util.Iterator;

              List schemes = Util.csvToList(approvalScheme);
              List preSchemes = new ArrayList&lt;String>();
              for (String s : Util.safeIterable(schemes)) {
                if (s.equals(approvalSplitPoint)) {
                } else {
              return Util.listToCsv(preSchemes);
    <Arg name=requireCommentsForApproval value=ref:requireCommentsForApproval/>
    <Arg name=requireCommentsForDenial value=ref:requireCommentsForDenial/>
    <Arg name=approvalSet value=ref:approvalSet/>
    <Arg name=approvalAssignmentRule/>
    <Arg name=approvingIdentities value=ref:approvingIdentities/>
    <Arg name=approvalSplitPoint value=ref:approvalSplitPoint/>
    <Arg name=fallbackApprover value=ref:fallbackApprover/>
    <Arg name=filterRejects value=ref:filterRejects/>
    <Arg name=flow value=ref:flow/>
    <Arg name=identityName value=ref:identityName/>
    <Arg name=identityDisplayName value=ref:identityDisplayName/>
    <Arg name=identityElectronicSignature value=ref:identityElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=identityEmailTemplate value=ref:identityEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=identityRequestId value=ref:identityRequestId/>
    <Arg name=launcher value=ref:launcher/>
    <Arg name=managerEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=managerElectronicSignature value=ref:managerElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=ownerEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=ownerElectronicSignature value=ref:ownerElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=project value=ref:project/>
    <Arg name=plan value=ref:plan/>
    <Arg name=policyViolations value=ref:policyViolations/>
    <Arg name=workItemPriority value=ref:workItemPriority/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerName value=ref:securityOfficerName/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerElectronicSignature value=ref:securityOfficerElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=setPreviousApprovalDecisions value=ref:setPreviousApprovalDecisions/>
    <Arg name=trace value=ref:trace/>
    <Arg name=workItemReminderTemplate/>
    <Arg name=workItemHoursBetweenReminders/>
    <Arg name=workItemMaxReminders/>
    <Arg name=workItemEscalationTemplate/>
    <Arg name=workItemHoursTillEscalation/>
    <Arg name=workItemEscalationRule/>
    <Arg name=workItemComments/>
      Call to our standard subprocess to handle the default approvals for
      manager, owner and security officer.
    <Return name=approvalSet/>
    <Return name=workItemComments/>
    <Return name=project/>
      <Reference class=sailpoint.object.Workflow id=ac1ffeda72a81afe8172a8ab9a0101ac name=Provisioning Approval Subprocess/>
    <Transition to=Split Plan/>
  <Step action=call:splitProvisioningPlan icon=Task name=Split Plan posX=618 posY=63 resultVariable=splitPlans>
    <Arg name=project value=ref:project/>
          Step to split the provisioning project into individual projects for each item requested.
          This will only run if the approvalSplitPoint is configured.
    <Transition to=Approve and Provision Split/>
  <Step icon=Task name=Approve and Provision Split posX=783 posY=63>
    <Arg name=approvalMode value=ref:approvalMode/>
    <Arg name=approvalScheme value=ref:approvalScheme>
              import java.util.List;
              import java.util.Iterator;
              List schemes = Util.csvToList(approvalScheme);
              Iterator it = schemes.iterator();
              while (it.hasNext()) {
                String s =;
                if (!s.equals(approvalSplitPoint)) {
                } else {
              return Util.listToCsv(schemes);
    <Arg name=requireCommentsForApproval value=ref:requireCommentsForApproval/>
    <Arg name=requireCommentsForDenial value=ref:requireCommentsForDenial/>
    <Arg name=approvalEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=approvalSet value=ref:approvalSet/>
    <Arg name=approvalSplitPoint value=ref:approvalSplitPoint/>
    <Arg name=approvalAssignmentRule/>
    <Arg name=approvingIdentities value=ref:approvingIdentities/>
    <Arg name=batchRequestItemId value=ref:batchRequestItemId/>
    <Arg name=clearApprovalDecisions/>
    <Arg name=enableRetryRequest value=ref:enableRetryRequest/>
    <Arg name=endOnManualWorkItems value=ref:endOnManualWorkItems/>
    <Arg name=endOnProvisioningForms value=ref:endOnProvisioningForms/>
    <Arg name=fallbackApprover value=ref:fallbackApprover/>
    <Arg name=foregroundProvisioning value=ref:foregroundProvisioning/>
    <Arg name=formTemplate value=Identity Update/>
    <Arg name=filterRejects value=ref:filterRejects/>
    <Arg name=flow value=ref:flow/>
    <Arg name=identityName value=ref:identityName/>
    <Arg name=identityDisplayName value=ref:identityDisplayName/>
    <Arg name=identityElectronicSignature value=ref:identityElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=identityEmailTemplate value=ref:identityEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=identityName value=ref:identityName/>
    <Arg name=identityRequestId value=ref:identityRequestId/>
    <Arg name=launcher value=ref:launcher/>
    <Arg name=managerEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=managerElectronicSignature value=ref:managerElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=manualActionsEmailTemplate value=Pending Manual Changes/>
    <Arg name=optimisticProvisioning value=ref:optimisticProvisioning/>
    <Arg name=ownerEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=ownerElectronicSignature value=ref:ownerElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=project value=ref:project/>
    <Arg name=plan value=ref:plan/>
    <Arg name=policyScheme value=ref:policyScheme/>
    <Arg name=policyViolations value=ref:policyViolations/>
    <Arg name=requesterEmailTemplate value=ref:requesterEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=workItemPriority value=ref:workItemPriority/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerName value=ref:securityOfficerName/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerElectronicSignature value=ref:securityOfficerElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=setPreviousApprovalDecisions value=ref:setPreviousApprovalDecisions/>
    <Arg name=splitProvisioning value=true/>
    <Arg name=source value=ref:source/>
    <Arg name=ticketManagementApplication value=ref:ticketManagementApplication/>
    <Arg name=trace value=ref:trace/>
    <Arg name=userEmailTemplate value=ref:userEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=workItemReminderTemplate value=ref:workItemReminderTemplate/>
    <Arg name=workItemHoursBetweenReminders value=ref:workItemHoursBetweenReminders/>
    <Arg name=workItemMaxReminders value=ref:workItemMaxReminders/>
    <Arg name=workItemEscalationTemplate value=ref:workItemEscalationTemplate/>
    <Arg name=workItemHoursTillEscalation value=ref:workItemHoursTillEscalation/>
    <Arg name=workItemEscalationRule value=ref:workItemEscalationRule/>
    <Arg name=workItemComments value=ref:workItemComments/>
    <Arg name=saveUnmanagedPlan_WithProjectArgument value=ref:saveUnmanagedPlan_WithProjectArgument/>
          Call the Approve and Provision Subprocess for each Provisioning Project generated in the Split Plan step.
    <Replicator arg=plan items=splitPlans/>
    <Return name=project to=splitProjects/>
    <Return name=workItemComments to=splitWorkItemComments/>
    <Return name=approvalSet to=splitApprovalSet/>
      <Reference class=sailpoint.object.Workflow id=ac1ffeda72a81c2b8172a8ac900e0049 name=Approve and Provision Subprocess/>
    <Transition to=Assimilate Splits/>
  <Step action=call:joinLCMProvWorkflowSplits icon=Task name=Assimilate Splits posX=914 posY=63>
    <Arg name=splitProjects value=ref:splitProjects/>
    <Arg name=splitWorkItemComments value=ref:splitWorkItemComments/>
    <Arg name=splitApprovalSet value=ref:splitApprovalSet/>
          Assimilate all projects returned from the split into the global project.
    <Transition to=Refresh Identity/>
  <Step icon=Task name=Approve and Provision posX=699 posY=7>
    <Arg name=approvalEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=approvalMode value=ref:approvalMode/>
    <Arg name=approvalScheme value=ref:approvalScheme/>
    <Arg name=requireCommentsForApproval value=ref:requireCommentsForApproval/>
    <Arg name=requireCommentsForDenial value=ref:requireCommentsForDenial/>
    <Arg name=approvalSet value=ref:approvalSet/>
    <Arg name=approvalSplitPoint value=ref:approvalSplitPoint/>
    <Arg name=approvalAssignmentRule/>
    <Arg name=approvingIdentities value=ref:approvingIdentities/>
    <Arg name=batchRequestItemId value=ref:batchRequestItemId/>
    <Arg name=clearApprovalDecisions/>
    <Arg name=endOnManualWorkItems value=ref:endOnManualWorkItems/>
    <Arg name=endOnProvisioningForms value=ref:endOnProvisioningForms/>
    <Arg name=enableRetryRequest value=ref:enableRetryRequest/>
    <Arg name=fallbackApprover value=ref:fallbackApprover/>
    <Arg name=foregroundProvisioning value=ref:foregroundProvisioning/>
    <Arg name=formTemplate value=Identity Update/>
    <Arg name=filterRejects value=ref:filterRejects/>
    <Arg name=flow value=ref:flow/>
    <Arg name=identityName value=ref:identityName/>
    <Arg name=identityDisplayName value=ref:identityDisplayName/>
    <Arg name=identityElectronicSignature value=ref:identityElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=identityEmailTemplate value=ref:identityEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=identityName value=ref:identityName/>
    <Arg name=identityRequestId value=ref:identityRequestId/>
    <Arg name=launcher value=ref:launcher/>
    <Arg name=managerEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=managerElectronicSignature value=ref:managerElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=manualActionsEmailTemplate value=Pending Manual Changes/>
    <Arg name=noTriggers value=ref:noTriggers/>
    <Arg name=optimisticProvisioning value=ref:optimisticProvisioning/>
    <Arg name=ownerEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=ownerElectronicSignature value=ref:ownerElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=project value=ref:project/>
    <Arg name=plan value=ref:plan/>
    <Arg name=policyScheme value=ref:policyScheme/>
    <Arg name=policyViolations value=ref:policyViolations/>
    <Arg name=requesterEmailTemplate value=ref:requesterEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=workItemPriority value=ref:workItemPriority/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerName value=ref:securityOfficerName/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerEmailTemplate value=ref:approvalEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerElectronicSignature value=ref:securityOfficerElectronicSignature/>
    <Arg name=setPreviousApprovalDecisions value=ref:setPreviousApprovalDecisions/>
    <Arg name=source value=ref:source/>
    <Arg name=splitProvisioning value=false/>
    <Arg name=ticketManagementApplication value=ref:ticketManagementApplication/>
    <Arg name=trace value=ref:trace/>
    <Arg name=userEmailTemplate value=ref:userEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=workItemReminderTemplate value=ref:workItemReminderTemplate/>
    <Arg name=workItemHoursBetweenReminders value=ref:workItemHoursBetweenReminders/>
    <Arg name=workItemMaxReminders value=ref:workItemMaxReminders/>
    <Arg name=workItemEscalationTemplate value=ref:workItemEscalationTemplate/>
    <Arg name=workItemHoursTillEscalation value=ref:workItemHoursTillEscalation/>
    <Arg name=workItemEscalationRule value=ref:workItemEscalationRule/>
    <Arg name=workItemComments value=ref:workItemComments/>
    <Arg name=saveUnmanagedPlan_WithProjectArgument value=ref:saveUnmanagedPlan_WithProjectArgument/>
          Finish any remaining approvals and provision.
    <Return name=project to=project/>
    <Return name=approvalSet to=approvalSet/>
    <Return name=workItemComments to=workItemComments/>
      <Reference class=sailpoint.object.Workflow id=ac1ffeda72a81c2b8172a8ac900e0049 name=Approve and Provision Subprocess/>
    <Transition to=Refresh Identity/>
  <Step action=call:refreshIdentity condition=ref:doRefresh icon=Task name=Refresh Identity posX=1028 posY=7>
    <Arg name=identityName value=ref:identityName/>
    <Arg name=correlateEntitlements value=true/>
      Add arguments as necessary to enable refresh features.  Typically you
      only want this to correlate roles.  Dont ask for provisioning  since that
      can result in provisioning policies that need to be presented and its
      too late for that.  This is only to get role detection and exception
      entitlements in the cube.
    <Transition to=Notify/>
  <Step icon=Task name=Notify posX=1131 posY=7>
    <Arg name=approvalScheme value=ref:approvalScheme/>
    <Arg name=approvalSet value=ref:approvalSet/>
    <Arg name=flow value=ref:flow/>
    <Arg name=identityDisplayName value=ref:identityDisplayName/>
    <Arg name=identityName value=ref:identityName/>
    <Arg name=launcher value=ref:launcher/>
    <Arg name=notificationScheme value=ref:notificationScheme/>
    <Arg name=userEmailTemplate value=ref:userEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=requesterEmailTemplate value=ref:requesterEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=managerEmailTemplate value=ref:managerEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=plan value=ref:plan/>
    <Arg name=policyViolations value=ref:policyViolations/>
    <Arg name=workItemPriority value=ref:workItemPriority/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerEmailTemplate value=ref:securityOfficerEmailTemplate/>
    <Arg name=securityOfficerName value=ref:securityOfficerName/>
    <Arg name=trace value=ref:trace/>
    <Arg name=source value=ref:source/>
      Call the standard subprocess that will notify the various
      actors based on notification scheme.
      <Reference class=sailpoint.object.Workflow id=ac1ffeda72a81c2b8172a8ac8e240045 name=Identity Request Notify/>
    <Transition to=end/>
  <Step action=call:addMessage name=Exit On Policy Violation posX=201 posY=253>
    <Arg name=message value=Failed due to policy violation(s)/>
    <Arg name=type value=Error/>
    <Transition to=end/>
  <Step action=call:addMessage name=Exit On Manual Work Items posX=364 posY=107>
    <Arg name=message value=Failed due to manual work item(s)/>
    <Arg name=type value=Error/>
    <Transition to=end/>
  <Step action=call:addMessage name=Exit On Provisioning Form posX=280 posY=178>
    <Arg name=message value=Failed due to provisioning form/>
    <Arg name=type value=Error/>
    <Transition to=end/>
  <Step catches=complete icon=Catches name=Finalize posX=1058 posY=308>
    <Arg name=approvalSet value=ref:approvalSet/>
    <Arg name=batchRequestItemId value=ref:batchRequestItemId/>
    <Arg name=identityRequestId value=ref:identityRequestId/>
    <Arg name=project value=ref:project/>
    <Arg name=workItemPriority value=ref:workItemPriority/>
    <Arg name=identityName value=ref:identityName/>
    <Arg name=ticketManagementApplication value=ref:ticketManagementApplication/>
    <Arg name=trace value=ref:trace/>
      Call the standard subprocess that can audit/finalize the request.
      <Reference class=sailpoint.object.Workflow id= name=Identity Request Finalize/>
  <Step icon=Stop name=end posX=1131 posY=253/>

type or paste code here

type or paste code here
````Preformatted text``Preformatted text``Preformatted text``Preformatted text``Preformatted text``Preformatted text``Preformatted text``Preformatted text``Preformatted text`

Can you check for any audit events related to email sending or failures? Also, could you please send me the trace logs for the workflow?

Also, try enabling logging for email notifier, use the below link
Log4j Support Guide - Compass (

You could attach It as a separate attachment and not in preformatted text

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