Aggregate custom adminitrator roles from Okta

SailPoint ISC documentation states that we can add ‘customRoles’ attribute in the account schema to aggregate custom admin roles from Okta. I am unable to update this attribute in the schema.
Any suggestions?

Hi @yasinghal ,

Did you happen to try to update the source schema using api to add the customeRoles:

  1. Get the list of source schemas for a source : get-source-schemas | SailPoint Developer Community
  2. Take the account schema id and add the customRoles attribute via update source schema : update-source-schema | SailPoint Developer Community

Hi Shailee,

It didn’t seem to work either. I am getting a 500 code from postman.


Hi @yasinghal ,

Are you getting 500 for update-source-schema | SailPoint Developer Community ? Can you share the API request and response with headers

Altenately, you can create the source as a fresh one and try again.

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