Account Schema Extension for Standard and Custom Attributes

If you want to extend the default account schema and provisioning policy to manage other standard or custom attributes, you can use either of the following methods listed below. When you add attributes to a default schema, whether they are standard or custom, you are extending the schema.

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at

The Custom Attributes section of Method 1 on this page is confusing. It also looks like the example is missing the dot.

Custom Attributes – If it is a complex attribute, use dot walking to navigate to the field you are interested in using.

Use the following format:


For example, if designation is a custom attribute in your Coupa tenant, then add the custom-fields.designation attribute to the account schema and account provisioning policy.

If a Custom Attribute is added as an Entitlement, will provisioning occur for that when it is revoked during a Certification?

If this is possible, could steps be added for setting a custom attribute as an entitlement and any considerations around it?
for Example:

  • Will it work out of the box?
  • Do we need to update a provisioning policy?
  • Will it be a manual task if not automated?

Hi Geoff! Thank you for your input. We’ve created a Jira issue to track the effort and we’ll update the comment thread when it’s been addressed: CONDOCS-5369