Is there an API to aggregate a single account from target source. The scenario is - target system has added an account for an existing identity on IDN. Since the account doesnt exist at IDN, we want to aggregate it but only for a single identity, we do not want to initiate full aggregation.
Single account aggregation only works if account has already been aggregated at least once.
Whole design of single account aggregation works on nativeIdentity. Identitynow calls end system asking for one account by identifier which is nativeidentity.
Source account aggregation is like Teacher in class asking all of the students to stand up
while single account aggregation is like teacher specifically asking one student to stand up, to ask specific student you need identifier(which is name in this case)
Hope you understand conceptual differences between both aggregation.
Thanks @chirag_patel . So it means, that student has to be present in the class indeed, before the teacher can ask him specifically to identify himself. I understand this.
So there is no other way to bring this student to the class?