After 8.3p2 upgrade server side memory utilization constant.. No mem release back to OS

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Version 8.3

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We can see fluctuation on sailpoint UI but on server level top command always showing constant/keep growing graph… Process/task keep utilizing memory and relasing but not reflecting on server. JVM 1.8 Please share how can we resolve this #JVM #SailpointMemory

The memory held by the JVM is controlled by the JVM settings rather than IdentityIQ. If you are using Tomcat, try reviewing the Java_Opts settings:


CATALINA_OPTS=“$CATALINA_OPTS -server -Xms1024m -Xmx3052m”

In this example, approximately 1gb is held by the JVM always and it can scale up to 3gb as needed. There are good Tomcat support resources on the internet that can provide more guidance on this topic.

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