Add entitlement is not working in Web services


need help on Add entitlement operation issues, as i have already configured add entitlement but the entitlement is not getting assigned to the user, but in IDN it shows success and its available in accounts after access request.

for my requirement, i have added two Add Entitlement operations and one for getting user details and other one for assigning the entitlement,configured second Add entitlement based on the response of first add entitlement operation .

But the entitlement is not getting assigned to the user in Target, someone pls suggest me what went wrong here

body passed n second Entitlement operation for assigning entitlement to user

{ "schemas":
           "display": "$response.displayName$",
           "value": "$$"

Note : entitlement attribute in my account schema is groups


Hi @PrashRV

Did you try this in postman? Is it working there and getting updated in target?

Hi @PrashRV ,

  1. Open postman and try add entitlement via api over there . From postman itself get the curl command .

  1. Now go to ISC and use same curl command with unique static values.
  2. Try to do access request to invoke add entitlement operation.
  3. Go directly to your target system and check if entitlement is added.
  4. If entitlement is not added, check ISC monitor to get activity id and search that activity id in search to see all the details which values are getting passed.
  5. If everything is right , try to create an “entitlement type” replacing the existing “group” type and try to add entitlement again.
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Hey Prasanth,

Usually what I do while configuring any http operation I replace the spaces within the url if any with %20 to avoid any generic API error. You can try it as well maybe that would solve it?

Please do let me know if or if it does not work out.


HI Gourab,

tried as you said, the entitlement is getting assigned with static values in curl and through post man as well but not working dynamically,

can you pls suggest me what is going wrong?

  • as said, first Add entitlement operation will fetch user details as i need to update in the body of second add entitlement operation for assigning entitlements


Hi Aman,

i tried to fetch user details through postman, but without spaces, api is not pulling the user,

i have issue with get Object operation, pls suggest how to resolve this issue as well.


by seeing the screenshot provided , I believe the parent endpoint is not configured for add entitlement - assign Group , mostly that’s the reason you are not getting the values from the response.

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Hey Prasanth,
Is it possible if you can share the account and the entitlement schema as well? That would help me understand your issue and additionally if its not an issue can you also mention the API’s vendor and exact version quick googling from my side will make me understand possible scenarios.


Thanks Gourab for the help and appreciate

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