AD links deleted

Hello Experts,

need your help on this.

AD Links are getting deleted in IIQ by AD Account Aggregation task and links are getting created again after second AD Account Aggregation task. Can someone please help me in this case as we are not able to know the root cause of this issue. how can we prevent this in future.

For workaround, we have added 101 value for detect deleted accounts.


Hi @niket345,

check if the identity attribute of ad account is changed

@enistri_devo Can you please confirm that what kind of Identity attribute?

that you have configured in the schema

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@enistri_devo I am not sure how that identityAttribute is impacted also FYI, we noticed that we have changed some domain configuration and ran the AD account aggregation then links get deleted and if we do second time account aggregation, links get created correlated with the account.

can it will be the cause.

yes it will be the cause.

Usually in SP id distiguishedName the identity attribute of ad account. The identity attribute of account is the identifier of the account in SP and must be unique. So, if distiguishedName changes, for SP is a different account.

If in your domain you had change the DC or the OUs, this behavior is normal because those are in distiguishedName:


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