AD Application Links not Creating

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Version 8.4

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I know I have had this issue before, but cannot figure out how it was fixed before. I am trying to populate the users within my Active Directory application, but none of my identities have an AD link. I thought when Account aggregation and Refresh task run, it should create an account if it is not already existing.
Does anyone know how to create this link in AD for identities?

I think, you should check your correlation logic first. If the aggregator is getting the records, then it’s the correlation logic which associates the application accounts to existing identities.

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HI @Alyson_Trad,

Check your correllationConfig or Correlation Rule, maybe is not set or the attribute with you try correlate is not correct.
Also, check if you an a customization rule that excluding the accounts for some reason.
Finally, verify if your application has the Maintenance Mode enabled, if it is enable, disable it.

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