Renamed AD Application Causing Errors during Refresh

We are running IIQ v8.3

We had a few new AD Applications created and discovered there was a bad character (U200b zero width space) leading the name of the AD Apps. We removed this in the name of the Apps in Debug.

Now, for all the Identities that already have a Link for these Applications we are getting errors upon Refresh -

2024-11-01T17:21:51,253 ERROR Thread-1386 sailpoint.provisioning.PlanCompiler:1232 - Unable to resolve Application: ​CORP AD
2024-11-01T17:21:51,265  WARN Thread-1386 sailpoint.provisioning.IntegrationConfigFinder$IntegrationConfigCache:1461 - Could not get AppDetails for a non-existent application: ​CORP AD

Running Aggregation does not present any errors.

I tried clearing the caches as well.

What would you do in this type of situation?

I was thinking of either deleting the Applications and starting over or putting a Customization Rule to return NULL on all accounts then remove it and re-aggregate.

Would really appreciate your EXPERT opinions, thank you!


If this is your test environment please try iiq console command and not the renaming the object from debug page, this actually should avoid lot of issue, as we did follow the same long time back

Please check the below from IIQ console doc.

Reference - 8.4 IdentityIQ Console Guide - Compass

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OK, thanks. I’ll try that next time one of these comes up!

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