Active Campaign Limit

Is there a limit to the number of campaigns at a time? We want to have a script that generates campaigns but this may create 1000-10,000+ campaigns.

There is no defined limit, but that many campaigns could have adverse effects on performance. If you don’t mind sharing, what is your use case for this many campaigns? I’m wondering if there is a feature gap driving you to have this many, or if there is a better way to solve it out of the box.

This is related to the need from Certification of Entitlements that are part of a Role

We need to create campaigns for users but do not want to include Entitlements that are covered under a user’s Role. The idea was to use a script to determine what entitlements are not granted by Role membership and create a campaign for each user with that limited scope.

I did not see an API for this, but another solution would be to generate a campaign like normal and then programmatically update the campaign to maintain entitlements that are covered under the role.