Account requests not displayed in approval

We created a custom workflow that includes an approval. The approval shows up in the approvals list in the GUI, but there are no account requests displayed. Where would you configure what is displayed in the approval? Or can it be customized?

Hello @ScottE You can call the Identity Request Initialize at the first step of your workflow and the Identity Request Finalize at the end

Check the LCM provisioning workflow link in compass -

“calls the Identity Request Initialize subprocess workflow. The most important task of this subprocess is to compile the provisioning plan into a provisioning project. Another major purpose of this subprocess is to create the IdentityRequest object which will make it possible for the requester and the requestee to follow the progression of the request. Identity requests contain information like approvals required and their current status, expansion details for fulfilling the request, whether the request enters a retry loop or a queued state, and more.”

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Thanks for the response! The approval is showing in the approvals list ok but doesn’t contain what is going to be modified. I compared this workflow to another that IS displaying the account requests and found the Variable “cart” is not defined on this workflow. Reading the description, it seems this might be what sends the request details to the approval being presented. Is that correct? And if so, is there a way to further customize what the approval looks like on the approvals page?

I dont think the Identity Request Initialize subprocess workflow has anything to do with the approval details which the approver will be seeing. This will only create the account request, check for policy violations etc. The approval subprocess might be more useful to you in case of your requirement - Provisioning Approval Subprocess and Approve and Provision Subprocess

Hi @ScottE

Check the workItemForm attribute in the approval step. This will help you understand the item to display to the approvers.

@Jarin_James Forgive my ignorance, I’m fairly new to this. I’ve checked both the workflow that displays the account request items, and the one that doesn’t, and have found no mention of the workItemForm. I also looked in the Approval and Provision subprocess and the Provisioning Approval subprocess and can’t find it there either. I am running IQ 8.3 sp3. Would that attribute be in earlier versions only?

Hello @ScottE, Few things, the approval step in your workflow is within the tag , within this tag you can chose the mode of approval (serial, parallet etc.) , what type of workitem do you want to generate (form, approval etc.) what would you want the description of the workitem to be and then the form which you would want to show to the approver. If I’m not wrong, you requirement is that you need to customize what you want to show the approver. In this case you can refer to the sample step below:

<Approval mode ="Serial" name="DisplayName" owner="ref:launcher" return="">
  <Arg name="workItemType" value="Approval/>
  <Arg name="workItemForm" value="Form which you want the approver/workitem owner to see"/>


<Transition to="Generic Step"/>

Basically workItemForm is something which you put in your approval step that gets shown to the workitemowner/approver. So, you wont find it in your workflow if you have not added it yet.
If you want to see how to setup this form and create it in the way which you would want then refer to this compass link - ( Workflow Forms)

@aishwaryagoswami This has been very helpful, thank you! I feel like I’m almost there. I’m not trying to present them a form, I just want to modify the text in the workitem on the Approvals page. I’ve been able to modify the title and such, but I’m not having any luck showing the attribute requests in the body. Here is my approval step.

Does it matter if the attribute request is for an Identity rather than an account? Or does the blank section have a name to define?


  <Step icon="Default" monitored="true" name="Approval" posX="729" posY="19">
    <Approval description="Possible Duplicate to process for $(identityDisplayName)" mode="serial" name="Approval" owner="IAM Administrators" send="plan,identityDisplayName">
      <Arg name="arg2" value="ref:approvingIdentities"/>
      <Arg name="arg1" value="ref:identityDisplayName"/>
      <Arg name="message" value="ref:cart"/>
      <Arg name="plan" value="ref:plan"/>
    <Transition to="Approve and Provision"/>

Hello @ScottE, I’m pretty sure that the the request details shown in the workItem in the approvals page is not editable, regardless of the type of the request.

Hi @ScottE ,

You can refer the Identity Request Approve Identity Changes Workflow, especially the step Customize Approval Form. This will give you an understanding on how to build the form for approval.
The approval step in the same workflow has the attribute workItemForm which is set with the custom form value.

You can even use the form you used to capture the values. In order to make sure the form is read-only for the approvers, before passing your form to the approval step you can use the method buildReadOnlyForm.

  <Step action="call:buildReadOnlyForm" name="Build Approval Form" resultVariable="approvalForm">
    <Arg name="form" value="Form Name" />
    <Transition to="Approval" />
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@Jarin_James Thanks for the reply. This’ll sure come in handy later. But with this, we are not providing a form to the users for the approval. We’re just trying to get the same details on the Approvals page as are displayed for account requests. I imagine the issue relates to an Identity modification, rather than an account request, but it seems to me the details of both should be displayed in that window. We’re trying to understand why they are being displayed differently in the GUI (Approvals page) WorkItem shows account requests for the AccountRequests workItem, but simply “Modify:” on the Identity Request workItem. We’re calling the same approval and provisioning step in each workflow, but seeing different results displayed. Very confusing to us!

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