Account Name is -- after account creation

Hi All,

We are using a webservice connector and we are utilizing the “Create Account” and “Update Account” HTTP operation for account creation via Access Request.

Once the account is created through access request, I noticed that the Account Name is tagged as “–” and also noticed that it didn’t perform the logic in the Update Account which is to update the FullName and Email. Additionally, after aggregation, the Account Name is now populated.

  1. How do we resolve this wherein we do not need to perform aggregation for the Account Name to be populated?
  2. How do we also resolve the Update Account operation not being performed during account creation?

Thank you!

Hi Jasmine,

  1. Make sure that in your Create Account HTTP action, you add the Response Mapping. This will then update your view in the UI once the Create Account action is complete.
  2. Is there any reason why you didn’t include the FullName and Email in your create provisioning policy? This seems more straightforward than separating the two actions.

Hi Margo!

  1. Response Mapping for Create Account and Update Account operations are already configured.
  2. Their API does not support direct creation of the account. I have to call 2 different APIs as a workaround.

Thanks Jasmine!
2 more items to check:

  • Have you already configured a GetObject HTTP action? If not, please do so as well
  • Have you enabled attribute synchronization on your FullName and Email?

Hi Margo,

Thanks again for the response :slight_smile:

  1. What does the GetObject HTTP action do in this case? I haven’t configured any GetObject in any of my application yet and the Webservice connector documentation does not provide any info.
  2. I haven’t enabled attribute synchronization yet. Doesn’t the Update Account gets automatically called during account creation? I configured the Update Account operation right after the Create Account operation.

Hi Jasmine,

  1. The GetObject action can perform a single account aggregation - there’s a bit of info here: Get Object
    You will need to be sure that your Account Aggregation endpoint has an option to filter. As an example, a contextURL may look like Admin/User/$plan.nativeIdentity$
  2. Try enabling attribute sync for your FullName and Email - this should call your update plan. You’ll need to add it to your create plan to be able to enable attribute sync, but it will not actually try to provision it during creation unless you pass it in your json body. This can help you down the line if you have a use case where you need to synchronize a name change
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Hi Margo,

  1. I added the GetObject action and the Account Name gets populated after account creation. However, the Account ID is then tagged as ?? but when I do a full aggregation, the account id gets populated. In my context url, I used $getObject.nativeIdentity$ instead of $plan.nativeIdentity$
  2. I was able to resolve the Update Account by adding an Update Provisioning Policy :slight_smile:

Hi Jasmine, glad to hear your Update Account issue is resolved.
Can you please share your Create Account JSON body?
Be sure that you are using $plan.nativeIdentity$ as the attribute you are mapping to your account ID in your JSON body

Hi Margo,

I tried to change the $getObject.nativeIdentity$ to $plan.nativeIdentity$ but the Account ID is still ??? unless I perform an aggregation.

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