Access request: completionStatus="Pending" executionStatus="Completed"

Hi experts,

We have a problem with the Access Requests which stay in pending status. This is the information about the issue about the Access Request:

  • In the Identity Request completionStatus is Pending and executionStatus is Completed

Also we have noticed that request finished with this error.

Error: Access request verification failed, the identity USER was no longer found. Marking request verified with failures.

The Perform Identity Request Maintenance task is executed every day but we have noted that these requests are not completed.

Any idea about this issue?

Kind regards.

hey @DiegoDC,

Is this something you are attempting to do through the API or possibly through Java, or is this something you’re attempting to do through the user interface?

hI @colin_mckibben ,

The process to delete these accounts is through RapidSetup. The request to delete these accounts is scheduled 30 days after accounts are disabled.

It’s possible IdentityIQ is waiting to close the loop on this. Have you re-aggregated the target system so the account is removed from the Identity Cube?