Access Filter- Workflow Access Certification


I have created workflow to create Campaign for Specific access profiles. I have received 400 error when I execute the flow. I have noticed the filter is updated as string but document described as array.

Access Certification in Certification Type under Individual :
Access Filter - Choose whether to certify all access of the selected type or only specific access items. If you choose specific access items, use the Access Filter field to choose the IDs of access. You can also enter the ID values manually in a JSON array using this format: [“id1”, “id2”, “id3”]

I have noticed the workflow created the ID’s as String and might that causing the 400 error. Can someone share what could be issue ?

Error :
QuarterlyCertificatesToshibaaccessExecution20221202 (2).txt (2.1 KB)

"Create Certification Campaign": {
				"actionId": "sp:create-campaign",
				"attributes": {
					"activateUponCreation": true,
					"duration": "2d",
					"emailNotificationEnabled": false,
					"name": "Access Review",
					**"reviewerAccessConstraintIds": "2c9180846d2238f2016d4497784a177c,2c9180846d2238f2016d4497784a177c",**
					"reviewerAccessItemType": "ACCESS_PROFILE",
					"reviewerAccessOperator": "SELECTED",
					"reviewerCertificationType": "ACCESS",
					"reviewerId": "2c9180877a83ae10017aa423f79b45c4",
					"type": "REVIEWER_IDENTITY",
					"undecidedAccess": false
				"description": "",
				"nextStep": "Activate Certification Campaign",
				"type": "action",
				"versionNumber": 2