Certification Workflow - Activation

I’m working with a client to build a workflow that creates a certification campaign when someone has a manager change. It required a campaign filter, so we had to create the campaign with the HTTP Request action. The issue we’re having is we’re unable to activate the campaign because the workflow can’t access the campaign ID. Has anyone run into this before? Any suggestions on how to activate the campaign in the Workflow?


According to the API spec, the Id of the campaign is returned as part of the response sent back.

Example manager campaign response

  "id": "5594f43b76804a6980ece5fdccf74be7",
  "name": "Manager Review",
  "description": "A review of everyone's access by their manager.",
  "deadline": "2020-12-25T06:00:00.468Z",
  "type": "MANAGER",
  "status": "PENDING",
  "emailNotificationEnabled": false,
  "autoRevokeAllowed": false,
  "recommendationsEnabled": false,
  "created": "2022-08-02T20:21:18.421Z",
  "modified": null,
  "filter": {
    "type": "CAMPAIGN_FILTER",
    "id": "0fbe863c063c4c88a35fd7f17e8a3df5",
    "name": "Test Manager Filter"
  "sunsetCommentsRequired": true,
  "sourceOwnerCampaignInfo": null,
  "searchCampaignInfo": null,
  "roleCompositionCampaignInfo": null,
  "alerts": null,
  "totalCertifications": 0,
  "completedCertifications": 0,
  "sourcesWithOrphanEntitlements": null,
  "mandatoryCommentRequirement": "NO_DECISIONS"

Right, but I can’t access the id variable, just the whole body:

For anyone else looking at this, found the issue. The client edited the JSON to give the step a custom name “HTTP Request - Create Certification.” When we tried to create a variable to store the campaign ID using the previous step’s name, it didn’t work. I updated the name without the dash, so it became “HTTP Request Create Certification,” and was able to access the campaign ID properly.

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