Workflows: query failed workflow executions (in another workflow)

Dear community,

I think there is currently no standard functionality (including search) to get a daily e-mail notification with a list of failed workflows.

Because of that I want to create a workflow that queries daily a specific workflow for failed executions, and if there are any failed executions present it should send a notification.

I though of using the following API/parameters: {{baseUrl}}/workflows/:id/executions?limit=1&offset=0&filters=status eq "Failed" and start_time gt 2024-04-28T22:00:00.000Z and start_time lt 2024-04-30T22:00:00.000Z

The workflow errors out with the following error: failed to add queryParams to HTTP Request, key value pair not provided when the query parameter value contains a colon ( :).

A small test to reproduce that:

Does anyone know why this is?

While testing in Postman to see why the workflow is failing, I’ve also encountered the this issue if count was set to true.

502 Bad Gateway

Sometimes the error was 504 Gateway Time-Out:

Best regards,

Hi Andrei. I was not able to reproduce your 502 and 504 errors. Following your examples, I was able to successfully make those API calls. The workflow service may have been temporarily unavailable when you made those calls.

However, I am able to reproduce your key value pair issue when using colons in a query param. I have opened this bug report for you.

@adamian have the 502/504 errors gone away for you?

Hello @adamian, its the error still present for you? I tried some to use HTTP Request in one of my workflow and encountered similar error.

Hi @turskikd0002,

If I need to wait for a fix I kind of give up and try to find a workaround. Two weeks ago the “SailPoint support team” closed the ticket opened on second of May (regarding the illegal/unsupported : character) with this answer:

This is with the backend team and they are working on getting the cause and the fix for the same. Here is the JiraID SAASTRIAGE-3159 you can share with your CSM to track the progress of the fix.

Archiving this here from the support end. Have a good week ahead!!

Instead of providing a page where we can see the progress I would need to keep asking the CSM for updates. Who’s got this much time?

Best regards,

Is there any update on this issue? Is there any workaround available? This is a blocker for implementing with many APIs using workflows.

To get around this until the colon in query params bug is fixed, you can just put the query params directly in the URL of the HTTP Request. For example, you can configure the Request URL as follows:{{$.trigger.workflowId}}/executions?filters=status%20eq%20"Failed"%20and%20start_time%20le%20"{{$.trigger.end}}"

Hi, I’m encountering the same issue as Andrei. Whenever I apply the ‘failed’ filter, I consistently get a 502 error, regardless of the time difference I set. As soon as I add the filter, it stops working. There haven’t been any reported issues with workflows, though. It’s frustrating that there’s no retry mechanism, and the suggested workaround isn’t working either.

Using the failed filter alone works, using the date filter alone works, using both filters, wont work.

Can you share a screenshot of how you configured it?

If i use the start_time ge and le alone it works, if i use the failed filter alone it works, if i combine both 502.

The 502 (Bad Gateway) is a network related error and shouldn’t be related to your query parameters. Can you reliably reproduce this, or is it intermittent? FWIW, I tried the same query parameters and it works for me.

I have been testing this since past June and i always had the same response, 502 if i use combined filter, 200 if i use single filter.

Hi Colin, i did some test with other workflows, every workflow that has less that 50k executions is able to retrieve the list without issue, over 50k executions gives 502 error, can you confirm if the api has a limit on more than 50k executions using combined filters?

Ok, that sounds like a bug. Please submit a support ticket for this.

The character : seems to be supported now. We can move on and hit the next issue ( ISC: Can't query the number of failed workflow executions in an workflow ).

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