Dear Developers,
I want to use the ISC Form action and calculate the deadline for it dynamically within the workflow. The workflow is triggered for example when the end date for the identity changes.
From my current understanding the variable should have a value like: 24h
Unfortunately I couldn’t find the documentation that explains the expected format, so this is my current assumption. In addition, I am not even able to test a workflow that uses this functionality ( ISC: Workflows Form - can't use variable as deadline )
How I want the value calculated:
- calculate the difference, in hours, between when the workflow is triggered and the identities end date. Let’s call this value A.
- calculate the minimum between A and 336 (2 weeks in hours), let’s call it B
- append the letter ‘h’ to B, and obtain Y
Seems pretty simple for a programming task, right? How can I implement these steps only with the workflow functionality?